557 Tasting Notes
I finally broke down and tried this in the K-cup form that my fiancee has been saving for me. I had it with milk and it tasted the same as if I had brewed the bag of it. It was quite a lovely surprise. I could never see having all of my tea this way, but if we had a little brewer for morning emergencies, I could see using it. My only trouble with it is that it produces so much waste! Oh well, if we ever end up getting one, I’ll have to pick up this k-cup for emergencies.
I’m getting back into my tea habit! Yay. I have missed Numi’s Aged Earl Grey so much. I got used to having earl grey with milk so it was a little harsher than I remembered. Still good though.
I have been having issues with illnesses this summer. I have been drinking this tea hot and sweet, just like I used to when I first started trying to drink tea when I was really little. Hopefully, I can get my system working again and break out my more subtle teas.
I highly recommend Celestial Seasoning’s Ecchinacea Complete Care (with honey and short steep times). It’s been what I’m considering “the year of sick” for me, and since I’ve been having a cup or two of this in the evening — even with my weakened immune system — I’ve remained ok. I’m rooting for ya!
I haven’t been feeling very well recently (hence the no tea notes in a while). So today, I forced myself to make a cup of tea because my throat needed it. My oh my, I forgot how good this tastes. It has the nice mineral and slightly astringent taste (perfect to eat with scrambled eggs with onions, bell pepper, and sage).
The more steeps you have of this, the slightly more buttery it gets. It mostly tastes like fresh morning dew with a hint of the buttery note. It makes my throat feel better. In fact, I keep sipping this tea as I am writing this note, which means my nose keeps going into my cup.
Seriously, try this tea. It is yummy.
After so long, I finally got to have one of these as a treat. I was excited and ordered it expecting to find a good (not great) earl grey with steamed milk.
It was terrible. It was like the service didn’t even know how to prepare it. They kept the tea bag in the cup while preparing it and they didn’t give it enough time to steep before mixing in the steamed milk. Instead they poured in the steamed milk right away. When I got it cooled down enough so that I could drink it, all it tasted like was sweet milky paper with a hint of bad bergamot.
I really need to find a good steamer/frother of my own so that I can just have my own tea lattes when I want them. There was no reason for them not to steep the tea for three or four minutes and then take the bag out before making the rest of the drink. There was nobody there but our small group.
Finally getting back to my teas again. It has just been almost too hot to drink tea and I have been indulging in soda and koolaid instead. This is just what I needed right now. Dark and faintly sweet. I brewed four pearls for 3 1/2 minutes so it is a little stronger than what I am used to and the cocoa isn’t as present, but I needed a good wake up. It is still yummy!