557 Tasting Notes
I forgot to log my tea notes yesterday. I finally broke into the pu-erh that Teavivre sent to me. I forgot to check how much leaf to put into my french press, so I only put about 2 teaspoons worth.
The first steep was a very light color. So light that my dad noticed and asked if it was too weak. I just told him it was a different sort of tea and I only brewed it for two minutes, so I didn’t question the light color. The flavor was slightly earthy, but not as strong as some of the other pu-erhs I have tried. It was very pleasant and mellow. I think I would have to try a little bit more leaf to make up my mind about it though.
I feel like I am re-discovering my tea basket over in this little corner of the internet. Smooth and light with a hint of butter. I’m in heaven right now. I forgot how much I adored this dragon well.
Went to bed last night before I had a chance to log this because my computer was acting up:
I finally decided that this tea is just too good not to drink. It’s just my last packet so I think I was trying to make it “last” by not drinking it, but by not drinking it I didn’t get to enjoy it.
I did notice that it is slightly sweeter if you have it with a dessert. I normally wouldn’t have placed it as a tea I would have with dessert, but that slight extra sweetness made it extra yummy.
The only trouble with oolongs is that they last all day. I need to get another french press so I can brew two types of tea during the day.
I haven’t been feeling that great today. So more plain tea with sugar! My ear hurts and I have a lump on the left side of my throat like my sinuses are swelled up in that spot. Why do I keep getting sick? I wasn’t sick for my last two years in college unless you count my gallbladder removal surgery that fixed all my problems. Now it feels like I can’t keep away from the doctor for two months. At least I like her. (And yes, I’m going tomorrow so all you Steepster mommies don’t have to worry)
Good news: I finally got my driver’s test scheduled and it is the day before my birthday. I need to practice parallel parking some more, but I am certain that if I just don’t panic, I will pass it with flying colors.
I didn’t even notice that this mate blend had green tea in it. If I knew that, I might have stopped the kettle just a little bit sooner. I didn’t let it boil, but it was probably just as hot as I use for my oolongs.
I have been meaning to brew this up for weeks now, but I have kept putting it off. When steeped, this smells overpoweringly like lemon but it is mixed with some earth to temper the tart smell. It smelled wonderful. You could taste the mate in the mix when it was brewed, but I could barely taste the lemon and another note that I now know was the green tea. I normally don’t like lemon in my tea, but I was sad that I didn’t taste more of the lemon.
I think this would make a very nice iced tea if brewed hot and then chilled and added just enough sugar to make it sweet. Not cloying sweet though or else you might bury the faint lemon.
This makes me miss my mate that I used to have daily. I’ve just been too lazy to brew it lately. I need to bring my bag out and brew it more.
I had some of the best sushi tonight. My fiancee and a group of friends took me out for sushi to a fancier sushi and hibachi grill. I had a Pink Pearl which was really sweet and my fiancee had the Katana Sushi which was tempura sushi and really yummy as well. On top of that we also got an amazing broth soup that I ate all of (and I hate broth soup), a half a plate of fried rice, and fried veggies.
After all that, I just need something simple. Some black tea with a little bit of sugar to relax my belly. I really need to get myself a simple loose leaf black tea so I don’t have to raid my mom’s tea stash when I want something simple and not something I want to steep and re-steep a few times. I am realizing that this type of tea is a staple in anybody’s tea cabinet.
Just a cup of sweet hot tea to get myself balanced back after helping to throw a party for my fiancee’s best friend. It was his 21st and the only time he wanted to try drinking so we had fun. I know I won’t be drinking much for a while. Nothing much except for my lovely teas.
I am working on drinking the tea bags that I took from my fiancee’s house. This smells like toasted rice. It has a thick body and is nice and toasty. It is starting to make me wish I had toast for breakfast instead of cereal.
It is a little astringent, but not too much. Just enough that it makes me feel like my tongue is dry even though I just had a sip. Overall, pretty good.
The kitchen has been uncovered from the plastic it was encased in! Yay, I can use the stove and the kettle now!
I have always been curious about honeybush, so when I saw that my fiancee had this in his assortment, I snapped it up because he didn’t really want to try it for himself.
It brewed up as dark as any black tea would have brewed up. Maybe even a little darker. It looks almost like coffee in my cup right now. It smells a little twiggy, but not earthy. Just twiggy.
The bag said to brew it for 5-6 minutes, so I hit five and decided that was long enough. Hmmm. I’m not quite sure what to say for this one. It tastes very smooth and non-twiggy which was a nice surprise. The few times I had roobios it tasted very twiggy and woody. Since honeybush is supposed to be similar to roobios, I expected it to taste similar to it.
My first taste on the tip of my tongue hit a bubblegum note, but I think that must have been a fluke. I taste no hint of bubblegum the more I sip on it. I think I am getting a faint sweetness on the back of my tongue, but I’m not positive.
It doesn’t taste like tea, but it tastes good. The packet said it was good with milk and I am wondering if I should pour a little in just to try it that way since I’m not getting that much flavor out of it. Just smooth and slight sweetness. I’m taking a few bigger gulps and I am getting a sweet aftertaste now.
Hmm…I think I like it how it is, but I want to add a splash of milk since I do want to try it both ways and I only have one tea bag. The milk adds the creamy mouthfeel and while the sweet doesn’t pop out, it does make it feel like a dessert tea. I feel like I just indulged on something more along the line of a bit of caramel or some toffy. I know I didn’t, but it feels like I did. The aftertaste I get now screams caramel.
This makes me want to try some flavored honeybush teas because if a bit of tea can turn the base into caramel, imagine what a little bit of added flavor could do.
If I ran across this in the store, I would get a box so I could double brew it and try it iced!
A nice cup of earl grey to chase away the desire for hot cocoa. My last cup of tea I had at my fiancee’s house. It might be my last cup of tea for a little bit because mom and dad are re-modeling the kitchen. I might be able to sneak in some green tea or white tea later tonight if I can get to the hot water kettle safely.