So, I’m on my second pot of this, and I’m really not sure what to think. I taste spice, cinnamon mainly, but there’s a hint of cardamom as well. I also taste plum, and there’s just a hint of the hibiscus in the background. I think the fruit flavors would come out more with a longer steep, and I’m tempted to try a 10 minute steep on this, but at 5 minutes the spices are quite strong enough, thank you, and I really don’t want to find out how much stronger they could be. So I’ll hold off on giving a rating for now.
On side note, I think my sickness is coming back. Joy of joys, my nose has been running so much it’s ready for a half marathon.
Hopefully it is the spices making your nose run and not a repeat cold:( Hope it goes away soon!
Sadly, it’s not. I had to cut short a day of shopping with my mom to go pick up some meds and crash at home. I don’t feel bad, really, so I’m hoping it’s limited to the nose and stays there. Thanks, though!