Another sample from Rachel!! Yes, I’m having pot after pot of tea today and will probably be shaking from a caffeine overdose soon. I’ll switch to decaf/herbals at some point. Maybe. Or not.
I’m thinking that this may be my first TeaGshwendner tea!! Lisa at Cuppa has a catalog of their teas, and I flip through it often whilst having tea there, drooling over the unique blends. I’m so excited to try this one! Thanks, Rachel!
Okay, it’s not what I was expecting. I was expecting a hardened-sugar, caramelly, peanut taste. Like dropping an actual piece of peanut brittle into hot tea (have you ever done that? If not, you really should). It is nutty and really creamy, but I’m not getting the “brittle” taste that I would expect to be there with the name of this. It’s possible that it would come out with some agave nectar or honey…but seeing as I’m currently wrapped on the couch with about 4 blankets, I’m not getting up until it’s time to make another pot of tea.
Overall, it’s a very good tea, but doesn’t quite live up to its name. As far as “nutty” teas go, 52teas’ White Chocolate Cashew is much better than this one.