Followed by 171 Tea Drinkers
Married into tea! :) I enjoy reading everyone’s insights- there’s so much to...
Hello all, I am an electrical engineer (read:NERD :D), who is a bit obsessed ...
Hi :) I’m Sarah, and I live in Norfolk in the UK. My tea obsession began when...
I used to drink coffee, but it started to hurt my stomach so I switched to te...
I live in NC with my Irish husband and our two furbabies, Olaf the Hedgehog a...
I am a tech-savvy tea enthusiast that loves playing guitar and drinking tea!
My foray into steeping happened with tin of Oreo cookie and salted chocolate ...
name change alert – going from whatshesaid to ohfancythat Hello! I love tea. ...
Tea means so many things to me, it is so deep and it is revealing new meaning...
Single, vegetarian, asexual, 5 cats. Airplane Engineer. I drink most of my ...