A rough day was made infinitely better by a box of tea on my doorstep. Not a surprise box, for the generous Dexter3657 warned me before sending it, even asked what else did I want inside it, but anyway, out of all the teas in the box this is what got picked first.
What do the people in New Mexico know about Ontario ice wine? Well, they apparently know enough to make this tea taste a little bit like it. I’m a wino. I go to our ice wine festival in Niagara-on- the lake every year, spend the weekend imbibing so imagine my surprise when I learned there’s a tea mimicking ice wine. Ontario ice wine none the less.
I’m not sure if this will appeal to non-Ontarioans but that’s neither here nor there.
The tea brews quite dark. I expected a lighter brew because well, it’s white tea and also because the cheaper ice wine, and therefore the more popular, is the whiter one. You can have a Cabernet ice wine but a 375 ml bottle will set you back $80 here in Ontario.
It is fragrant and the aroma matches the flavour. It has no sweetness, although you can see how one might expect it. With some sugar it does come quite close to the ice wine flavour, I will admit. Although the flavour is subtle, even with sugar. But it is there.
The moral: don’t expect sweet and don’t expect white. But …
Good job, NMTC.
Much thanks to Dexter3657.
Ah Icewine, My favourites when you can find them are gewürztraminer icewines. Brings back fond memories of going on wine tours as a teenager and of biking in the Niagara region the summer I lived in Welland.