4843 Tasting Notes
OK, so in Postal Tea’s 9th edition box, they featured three tisanes from Algonquin. I was really quite disappointed as tisanes aren’t my favorite thing. I like me some camellia sinensis, and while I do drink herbals now and then and when it does get later in the day (late night) I do switch it up to something without caffeine (or with very low caffeine) because I don’t want to be up too much longer.
But, I still didn’t want to receive a box with three different herbal tisanes. And while I almost feel bad about saying this, the most memorable thing about the three teas that I tried from algonquin was the beautiful artwork that I found on their website (the packages from the Postal Teas box didn’t feature the artwork, although we did get a small brochure with some of the artwork in it.)
My thoughts on this tea: the mint was nice. Refreshing. I didn’t like the earthiness of the ginseng. I’m glad that the bitterness from the nettle was only slight. It didn’t taste bad … but if I want something stimulating, I’d be happier with a cup of camellia sinensis.
A different chai – this isn’t a strong, black tea with spices that are equally matched to the strength of the black tea. This is milder chai. The black tea base is smooth and a bit lighter in body, it’s a bit more reminiscent of a Darjeeling type of tea rather than a strong, malty tea like Assam or Nilgiri that you might usually experience in a Chai.
The spices are gentler too. Even though I’m usually all about a strong impact from a chai – I like a spicy chai – I really like the cozy, comforting flavor of this. It’s really quite pleasant.
Here’s my full-length review of it: http://sororiteasisters.com/2015/01/07/himalayan-masala-spiced-black-tea-blend-from-nepali-tea-traders/
I’m not usually a fan of ginseng, but this blend has a lot going on – enough so that the ginseng’s presence isn’t too problematic for me.
Overall, I found this to be enjoyable. I liked the licorice-y notes, I liked the peppermint and the sarsaparilla, and the cinnamon. Not a bad tisane.
Here’s my full-length review: http://sororiteasisters.com/2015/01/06/seven-seas-herbal-tea-from-simple-loose-leaf/
A really smooth, lovely, mellow pu-erh. A sweetness that is somewhere between molasses and a buttery caramel. Only a very slight earthiness which I really appreciated.
Really very pleasant and sweet.
Read my full-length review with details about the many infusions here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2015/01/05/2007-white2tea-repave-pu-erh-tea-from-white-two-tea/
I was a little bummed out by this tea. It just wasn’t the Earl Grey that I expected or hoped for. The bergamot is really lacking. No real strong bergamot notes in the aroma and not really a very strong bergamot flavor either.
The bergamot flavor comes forward a little as the tea cools, but it still isn’t enough bergamot to be calling itself an Earl Grey. This is the Earl Grey for those tea drinkers that don’t really like bergamot. And why would you be wanting to drink an Earl Grey if you care for bergamot, I ask you?
Here’s my full-length review: http://sororiteasisters.com/2015/01/05/classic-earl-grey-black-tea-from-mks-tea-company/
I’m falling behind on my reviews again – this time I have a good excuse! I’ve been busy as there have been a few different things going on. All of the images on our blog had been wiped away permanently, so I’ve been fixing a lot of those – I’m certainly not going to be doing that to all of the 3934 (and counting) blog posts though, so if you happen to come across a post without a photo and in its place that weird broken photo icon … my apologies.
This is a really, really good Oolong. The lemon and ginger don’t overpower the sweet, creamy Oolong base. And there’s a really lovely cookie note too. Just yum!
And since this is a 52Teas tea, I’m going to take a moment to mention the 52Teas Take-Over Kickstarter Campaign! Please help us reach our goal! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/497705217/the-great-52teas-take-over
This is the first tea that I tried from Amoda Tea’s “holiday tasting set”. And it’s not at all what I would have expected from a tea called “Candy Cane”! Not at all! And I mean that in a very good way!
This is not your average candy cane tea. It’s minty (like a candy cane) but that’s where the comparisons end. The mint is balanced out with notes raspberry, hints of cinnamon, and notes of jasmine and rose. I know … not your average candy cane! This is more like a candy cane you might find in a gourmet, artistic candy shop.
The mint isn’t overpowering (the way it often is in a candy cane blend), and the cinnamon contrasts with the minty flavor just enough to keep it from tasting mouthwashy. The floral notes are subtle but keep things interesting. The green tea base is soft and fresh, and there is a hint of nutty flavor from the rooibos.
Here’s my full-length review of this tea – it’s really quite an interesting tea! http://sororiteasisters.com/2015/01/04/candy-cane-tea-from-naked-teas/
My 4800 tasting note!
Of the three teas that I received in the Postal Tea Box (9th edition), this was my favorite. I was a little dismayed that all three teas in this edition were herbals. Bah! What’s up with that?
This one though – this actually tasted a little bit like tea. It had a slight root-beer-ish taste to it too. Like a thinned black tea with herbaceous notes and a hint of root beer. Kind of weird, but weird in a interesting and tasty way.
But even though it did sort of taste like black tea, I’d be lying if I said I’d just as soon drink this than drink black tea. I’d rather have the nice, rich flavor of black tea, thank you.
The teas in this, the 9th edition from Postal Teas, just didn’t do it for me. I decided to give them another chance and see what the 10th box had in store … and I’m glad to say that I’m much happier with the 10th box. (Well, you’ll just have to wait to see what those teas are!)
As I mention in my full-length article of this tea: http://sororiteasisters.com/2015/01/03/taiwan-gaba-oolong-tea-from-fong-mong-tea/ Of the many Oolong teas that are out there, I think that GABA Oolong teas are the one that I probably have the least amount of experience with. I’ve only tried fewer than a handful of this type of Oolong.
This is sweet and nutty with hints of spice. It has a lighter taste and texture than what I would normally experience from an Oolong. It’s not as creamy as Oolong teas often are.
Later infusions were stronger tasting, with a well developed roasty, toasty sort of flavor that I enjoyed. Subtle notes of peach began to emerge and develop. My last infusion had a really pleasant development of the peach note.
I really enjoyed this as an iced tea. Usually I drink the spiced teas hot, but, as an iced tea this really is refreshing. It’s a little sweet and a little spicy. The citrus notes are bright.
I also mentioned this before, I think, but I really do like the black tea base that Frank has chosen to use for his iced tea blends. It’s a nice, smooth, flavorful black tea. I don’t get a lot of astringency from it and it’s strong enough to hold it’s own with the strong flavors.
Tasty and refreshing.