On the Third day of Christmas, SBT sent me this iced tea!
I was excited to try this one, because I loved the original (52Teas version) of the Butterbeer so I was anxious to see how well the iced tea version held up.
It’s still good, but not quite as good as the 52Teas version … although I suspect that might have more to do with the fact that I had originally cold-brewed this tea. The hot-brewed resteep was better than the first cold-brew. Fortunately, I do have another pouch of this tea so the next time I brew it, I’ll hot-brew it right from the start.
In the meantime, I’m not going to rate this one. I’ll hold off on that for a time when I have the opportunity to steep my second pouch of the tea.
Here’s my full-length review: http://sororiteasisters.com/2013/12/27/third-day-christmas-southern-boy-teas-edition/