Didn’t hate it, but, didn’t really love it either. I had my hopes up, because I really did enjoy the other bacon teas that I’ve tried (Maple Bacon and Chocolate Bacon from 52Teas … duh, right?)
But this didn’t really live up to the other bacon offerings. This misses some of that smoky note of bacon. Bacon should taste slightly smoky, you know? This … doesn’t. I do like the pineapple in this though, sweet and juicy. It needs more bacon flavor, it needs a hint of smokiness … and when preparing this, I do recommend adding a pinch of salt to it when you pour it into your teacup … this does help bring out the bacon-y taste a little bit.
Not horrible, but not my favorite bacon tea. Yes, I realize that sentence seems a very odd one to be saying. Or typing. Or whatever. It just doesn’t seem like it should be a sentence of this earth. But … there it is.