My matcha from Red Leaf has arrived! Yay! Their service is speedy! I love that I can order something from them and it arrives within a week. That’s totally awesome!
With the huge assortment of flavors from Red Leaf to choose from, it’s difficult to narrow it down to 4 flavors. There were so many that I wanted to try … but something about this coconut kept calling out to me. I guess I’ve been on a bit of a coconut frenzy lately.
I ordered the basic matcha with the distinctive level of flavoring. This has become my own default ordering … and so far, it hasn’t disappointed me. Only one of the four matcha teas that I ordered from Red Leaf this time is not at distinctive level … and that one I shall talk about at some point in the future.
My first couple of sips were enjoyable, but, they weren’t quite all that, you know? But now that I’m about halfway through my bowlful, I am finding it difficult to stop sipping, it has one of those “contagious” kind of flavors, that just sort of creeps up on you … starting out just OK and then slowly becoming absolutely scrumptious.
oooh, this sounds yummy!
Coconut Matcha? AWESOME :)
I really want to try this one :) CocoAmor <3