School has been really busy so my notes are going to be pretty short until things settle down. So a family member took a trip to Seattle and was very close to a DavidsTea store. So I sent her a list of teas I’ve been wanting to try and she misunderstood and came back with 80% of my list all in 2 oz bags. So nice! This was the only one on the list that I’ve actually had before but not for a very long time. I should also note that I sent her a picture of the 30% all items coupon which she used to buy the tea.
Made a cup of this hot with a tiny bit of agave and almond milk. It was very good! Sweet but not too sweet and nice and almond-y in a dessert kind of way. The raspberry and cocoa notes added to the dessert-ness. (My brain is struggling and I’m making up a lot of new words.) I remember liking it in the past but never bought a bag of it before. I believe my grandmother ordered a cup of this on my first DT trip in Whistler. That was the trip that got me into tea.
I think after that I kept mixing up the memory of this tea with Jumpy Monkey since she also ordered that as well on that trip. I like this one better than Jumpy Monkey.