This is another sample that Liquid Proust provided for free for the GCTTB5.
I quite like blackberry anything. I have had many blackberry and blackberry sage teas. Some of them have been good and some not so good. I find it mostly comes down to the base. And with this tea, the keemun base, works real good.
I don’t get much scent from the dry tea but as soon as the hot water hit the tea a sweet candy like blackberry smell wafted up. It was delicious.
The brewed tea is slightly smoky from the keemun base. There is a candy, slightly tart, blackberry flavour. The sage is super light, which actually works well with the tea. It gives it that slight pepper on the back of your throat with each sip. The candy blackberry flavours lingers for quite a while in the aftertaste.
I quite like this one. The keemun and blackberry work well together.
P.S. LP – you should make more of this :)
most excited about this one…
I have three left, but they are reserved for those who help with my fundraising. I may look into doing it a third time :)