I tried this earlier and found it a little too sharp/sour so I decided to make the rest of the pot into iced tea. Just spent half hour preparing tonight’s dinner (mushroom potato bake) and the weather is very muggy which is making me sweat, though this has only been fridged for a few hours I decided to have it anyway. Anything moderately cold right now will be a saviour. Plus I’m a little P"ssed at my husband, he showed no appreciation towards me preparing dinner at all, conversation was “What’s for dinner?” “I made mushroom potato bake, took half an hour of prep time but uses up some potatoes at least”. He looks at the bake before I put it into the oven with a very blank expression and says “ok”, then he turns around and goes to his laptop. :/ Plus I did several lots of clothes washing and drying today which was another “ok” reply, no thanks or anything. sigh.
Anyway the tartness is softer now it’s cold making it preferable. Also the fruit seems stronger.
Pff! Underappreciation for sure. If someone could come here and do my laundry and fix dinner for me right now I would probably weep out of sheer gratitude.
In my household I cook if someone does the dishes. I don’t have to do dishes much though as I am the one who whips the meals up. No recipes just try to create. Kitty sometimes us old men can be a little preoccupied with things and therefore don’t always at the moment appreciate things. I am sure he will come around. We are just a strange breed us men are…
We’re all human. Men don’t have more of a right, nor a propensity to be ‘preoccupied with things’ than women do.
None taken, but I still don’t buy what you’re saying, nor that men or women would be different ‘breeds’.
He thanked me after he ate dinner and said it was very nice. He even offered to make a pot of tea afterwards so he probably sensed I was non too pleased with him. Things worked out in the end :) Now my focus is on my driving lesson later today. Very nervous!
In my house the boyfriend-creature and I each do our own laundry and split the cooking and cleaning chores – might be something to consider in the future. :)
Pff! Underappreciation for sure. If someone could come here and do my laundry and fix dinner for me right now I would probably weep out of sheer gratitude.
Anna, I feel the same way!
In my household I cook if someone does the dishes. I don’t have to do dishes much though as I am the one who whips the meals up. No recipes just try to create. Kitty sometimes us old men can be a little preoccupied with things and therefore don’t always at the moment appreciate things. I am sure he will come around. We are just a strange breed us men are…
We’re all human. Men don’t have more of a right, nor a propensity to be ‘preoccupied with things’ than women do.
Agreed Anna we just take longer to let it surface sometimes:).
No offense meant to anyone.
None taken, but I still don’t buy what you’re saying, nor that men or women would be different ‘breeds’.
He thanked me after he ate dinner and said it was very nice. He even offered to make a pot of tea afterwards so he probably sensed I was non too pleased with him. Things worked out in the end :) Now my focus is on my driving lesson later today. Very nervous!
Aww, <3 Good luck today!
In my house the boyfriend-creature and I each do our own laundry and split the cooking and cleaning chores – might be something to consider in the future. :)
Hope the driving test went well!