This weekend is a thankful break after my stressful week and nothing calms me more than a nice strong cup of black tea. Russian Caravan is a tea that I enjoy when used as an everyday style tea as it can really pick me up.
Pure Aroma Tea was kind enough to send me this sample to review and I am an honest writer. :)
This sample of Russian Caravan is an earthy dark brown colour with leaves rolled and roughly cut to form short and thin squiggly shapes. They smell warm and malty with a rich and dark woodsy scent.
I shall be steeping 1.5 teaspoons of leaves into my Gongfu for this session. I have added the extra half a teaspoon purely for personal preference as I like my tea strong.
Once steeped for 4 minutes 30 seconds this tea creates a burnt orange colour that has a slightly sweet malt scent.
The tea itself tastes sweetly malted and very refreshing and clean tasting. It’s also smooth and very easy to drink especially considering I have not added any milk or sugar. There is also a wood musk charm about it that I can taste in the after taste and the malt just keeps getting thicker and sweeter. Very delicious and it truly does make a very nice every day tea.
It’s also suitable for re-steeps. I re-steeped the leaves for 8 minutes to create my second cup of tea using the original leaves. It’s not as strong but there is still plenty of flavour left. :)