Oh Sweet Strawberry… Once upon a time I used to work for DAVIDsTEA (It was short lived, but I still am a faithful DAVIDsTea purchaser… Retail is not for me. It quite literally is like hell on earth). As I was about to leave, I, of course, had to do a mass shopping spree. Now this was taunting me and decided since I was getting at my discount I would buy it anyway. As I was getting my manager to weigh it out, she was crinkling her nose, and looking at it in a dirty diaper-esk way. She said she hated it because it tasted like a tomato… I had to agree that a tomato tea would be completely off putting. Regardless, I bought it.
I can see how she would say tomato because it has a tangy smell, but it does taste like strawberries, but not strawberry in a sense that you would imagine when drinking strawberry juice. It taste like a natural strawberry (berry, tangy, fresh). There is a hint of grass from the white tea base, but I actually quite like it. I have only had it hot with a touch of agave (to cut a bit of the tang), I would imagine that this would make an nice iced tea as well. I’ll keep you posted when I am able to try it iced. (Im in canada and its -30 celcius, so iced is not in the near future… give it a few months, hahaha)
Flavors: Berries, Grass