I received a sample of this from Serenity, along with her high recommendations for this tea! I have been waiting for the perfect moment to make a cup, and with today’s dreary weather and two unwatched episodes of Downton Abbey on DVR this is that moment! I had to give my little Chihuahua some allergy medicine, and our Greyhound is on pain medicine after her dental cleaning, so they are both sound asleep next to me and the house is nice and quiet at last! :)
This tea is really good! I followed Serenity’s instructions for 2 tablespoons of tea and also added some milk and sweetener. It is a nice, strong black tea with a slightly florally-sweet note. It leaves that black tea aftertaste in my mouth, which is just perfect. I think that after a cup of this tea I will be rejuvenated enough to get some more of my english homework done, yay! This is definitely an ideal tea to start the day with, and so onto the shopping list it goes!
-Dry blend is a mixture of black, brown and green colored leaves.
-Dry blend smells malty and a little floral. Tea liquor aroma is malty and musky-floral.
-Tea liquor is a dark brown color.
-Strong, mouth-filling flavor. Slightly astringent. Delicious malty finish.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. Rich and robust. Very satisfying as a morning cup.