Now I was a little surprised that this tisane barely changed the color of my hot water…and was therefore afraid it would just taste like hot water. I was also afraid that it would have that artifical dried pineapple kind of taste that I find some company’s banana teas do. NOPE, this is freaking awesome.
It smells like its hot in the oven, and it tastes a little less like the breadiness that I smell and more like the warm toasty banana-ness I want! My non tea drinking boyfriend again liked a tea! He didn’t want a full cup of it, but he also had real banana cream pie so it’s probably not comparable to him.
I love this, but I’m bummed at how little of my tin it fills when I empty my two 50 gram bags into it. Guess I’ll just have to buy more!
This was yummy, I tried it last night, too! But I am also a bit let down by how little you get for the price. Sigh.