still going on this amazing sample from Vanilla Beans
I made a latte with this yesterday and I’ve been testing out different temps and amounts of original almond milk. So I used a little more than one third almond milk, heated in a glass container in the microwave for 1 minute and frothed with a hand frother. Put that in the mug, then put in the teabag that I made (1.5 tsp of loose tea), then poured hot water over it, and added a few rocks of rock sugar. I realize that with a latte you pour the water and milk together or you pour the milk second so I will have to try that.
Overall, I think it came out really well. I know a lot of people shy away from anything other than whole milk in lattes because other types of milk are too thin. A local tea shop owner here told me that soy creamer works really well. I find that the almond milk has a creamy thickness to it that lighter cow milk and soy milk don’t have. There’s also a nice sweetness to the almond milk I use, so it was a really nice treat!
and in just reading the other reviews, I think that adding BROWN SUGAR needs to happen in my very near future…ummm that’s basically a pumpkin chai pie latte.
If you want really thick milk, try adding the sugar to the milk before you froth it.
definitely definitely trying this tonight! thanks!
I always use skim milk in mine! I didn’t know any better and I Iike it just fine, so I guess I will keep on.