I got this as my free pouch for being the 10 respondent with the right answer to the email quiz (thanks Frank!), and was very excited about it as I have fairly recently discovered that despite not liking actual solid coconut (it’s the texture I think), I LOVE coconut milk and coconut flavored things (thanks to Adagio’s pina colada tea). So getting this was quite a treat, and to celebrate I was determined to make a fantastic cuppa.
Since I happened to have some coconut milk left over from a curry recipe I figured what better cream-substitute for coconut cream pie tea then actual coconut cream (the nice thick part that separates on top of the coconut milk – Mmm mmm good!).
I made a cup of this according to the package directions, going with the longer suggested steep time to get maximum coconuty-goodness. The result neat was a smooth black tea with no bitterness and a delightful rich-sweet coconut-cream note. Now I’ve never actually had coconut cream pie, but I imagine this would be what it tasted like. I didn’t seen as much of a coconut oil sheen on the top of the tea as I have with other coconut blends, but the flavour definitely didn’t disappoint.As good as it was plain, I just had to try it coconut-ed to the max, and added about a teaspoon of coconut cream. The result was fantastic. The coconut cream just punched the coconut flavour up and added more richness that complimented the sweetness of the tea very well. It was like a topical desert in a cup, and even my friend who stated he “wasn’t really into coconut” loved it.