250 Tasting Notes
This tea. As a latte. Nirvana
I’ll have to try that! I keep forgetting that I can make tea lattes. (I even have an aero latte frother thingy to make it easier!)
I’ve had this two ways in two days, here’s my verdict…
Straight: I definitely taste more mint than coconut or apple, which is okay, but makes me wonder why I don’t just brew up some Peppermint Amour instead?
Latte’d: Much improved! With the addition of frothed milk + sweetener the coconut becomes much more noticeable. The apple, not so much, but I wasn’t really looking to taste apple anyways! I’m trying to put my finger on what the flavours remind me of… and I’d have to go with those pastel pillow mints that I always seem to find at weddings! Yep. It’s uncanny. I can almost feel one melting across my tongue as I take a sip of this latte… mmhmm.
“Are you baking? And this early in the morning??” inquired my husband upon smelling this tea as he prepared for work…
“It’s tea, silly. Liquid cookie dough tea,” I reply and he goes about his morning preparations.
Yet another flavour my gluten-deprived tongue has been longing for; the taste of raw, unadulterated cookie dough right out of the bowl. Yes, there are gluten-free recipes, but currently my stomach does not appreciate chocolate as much as it should. So, I have been left wanting… until today!
When I heard that DAVIDsTEA was releasing this tea I knew I HAD to try it. Yes, all the cake teas are satisfactory and delicious, but if it comes down to cookies or cake? I’ll pick cookies almost every time. This tea does not disappoint! It’s sweet without sweetener added and no awkward stevia either. I can see myself going through this tea pretty fast… might just have to buy a tin.
Went for my 20-week ultrasound on the 1st, everything looks good and… it’s a BOY! We’re refraining from telling anyone but a few select individuals (who can keep a secret) and, well, my fellow Steepsterites! I figure the chances of me seeing any of you in person or any of you telling anyone I know are pretty slim.
Since I’m feeling pretty good lately—the nausea is mostly gone, my stomach hasn’t spasmed in 4 days (knock on wood), and I can tolerate most teas again—I thought I’d celebrate with a big mug of Amaretto Latte. While the tea didn’t brew up quite as strong as I wanted, it does pair nicely with hot, frothy milk, which brings out its more marzipan-like qualities. Delicious. And baby boy must think so too because I can feel his little kicks…
Thanks all! It’ll be interesting to see how my 22-month-old daughter reacts to the little guy come spring…
HEY just wanted to let you know that if you’re pregnant you shouldn’t drink this tea because it has lapacho bark in it.
200th Tasting Note!!
Thanks to Alphakitty for the swap, I can break out of my DAVIDsTEA rut! Don’t get me wrong, I do own other teas besides ones by DT, it’s just that all the other places are a little trickier to get to and DAVIDsTEA is a mere 15-minute bus ride away.
I digress though, so on to this tea… which to my gluten-deprived (AKA intolerant) taste-buds highly resembles a brewed loaf of bread. Hmmmm, odd indeed. I do get a little of the melon at the end of the sip, but mostly all I can smell and taste at this moment is liquified baking bread. To solve this I simply plug my nose while drinking and it transforms into the delicate, melon-laced white tea I was expecting… to which my husband says, “You look ridiculous.” To which I say, there are certain baked goods that do well in tea form—cake, pie, cinnamon buns—and bread is not one of them.
“One minute you’re defending the whole galaxy, and, suddenly, you find yourself sucking down Darjeeling with Marie Antoinette… and her little sister.” -Buzz Lightyear (I quote this because every time I mention “Darjeeling” my husband busts out this line from Toy Story. Every. Single. Time)
Now this is a Darjeeling!
In fact, I was so excited by this tea that I made my husband take a couple sips in order for him to “taste the Darjeeling-ness”. His verdict: “Not bad for dirty water” (He’s a coffee + rooibos drinker) and with more prompting, “Yeah, it does taste better than Red Rose or Tetley.”
My verdict: fresh and surprisingly light for a Darjeeling! It dances on my tongue in a way that only a Darjeeling can, rich, mildly astringent, with a woodsy/vegetal finish that reminds me of drinking tea with my Gramma. This is a tea that would make a tea party complete, even one with Buzz Lightyear or Gramma.
I’m no great aficionado of oolong teas—having only really tried DAVIDsTEA’s Milk Oolong, Citron Oolong, and Prairie Berry—but who could resist the cute little packet of this for $1?
To my untrained taste buds the first steep of this reminds me of a less milky Quangzhou Milk Oolong, vegetal, creamy and smooth. I lost the second steep due to a maple bug flying into the water and dying (YECH), but the third steep still had much of the flavour of the first, just less intense. I’d try for a fourth, but it’s late now and I’ve had enough tea for today. Maybe next time.