So I have a tin of tea at church for when I need a cup of tea at work. It has genmaicha and I absolutely love genmaicha :)
Last week I brought some peach oolong with me in a sandwich bag to make. I had some left in the bag so I put the bag in my tea tin (without really thinking about what that would do to the taste of my genmaicha).
So this evening I made a cup of genmaicha and it was peach genmaicha. Surprisingly good. But not toasty genmaicha I was hoping for. C’est la vie.
On a totally different note, this is my last night on Steepster as I am giving up internet/cable until I pay off my student loans. You’ll be mostly seeing me post in the mornings :)
Austerity plans are painful but oh, so good when you reach the end of them! Hang in there!
We look forward to your morning posts!