Not Recommended
Compared to a “regular” green tea like a jasmine green like I had most recently, the flavor here is stronger and more astringent. I only steeped it in 8oz of water for 3 minutes, but it was quite bitter. I don’t think even adding cream & sugar would help, and I don’t think a good green should need it. The aroma is more like that of a black tea, and the aftertaste reminds me of a cheap grocery store brand. To say it tastes like compost would be generous, because it’s not that complex.
This is my first gunpowder, so I don’t know if the same applies to other brands, but I won’t be buying this. Glad I got just a sample to start.
Flavors: Ash, Astringent, Bitter, Burnt, Cardboard, Drying, Herbaceous
200 °F / 93 °C
3 min, 15 sec
1 tsp
8 OZ / 236 ML