558 Tasting Notes
Wow, this tea smells of tart citrus, fresh squeezed grapefruit juice. Looking at the teas description, it is blood oranges and not grapefruit, even better! I haven’t had blood orange since Ciao Bella’s Blood Orange Sorbet a few years ago. The tisane brews up the color of a blood orange too. Such a rich deep crimson. Delicious. This tea makes me want to dance!
Thanks JacquelineM for letting me sample some of this tea! Must get more!
This was a great Milk Oolong to experience as my first milk oolong. The leaves are so dark and tightly rolled, the aroma is very sweet and creamy. The leaves brewed up a nice pale yellow with an exquisite taste. I love how creamy this is. I didn’t think I enjoyed it much at first, but then the sweet, almost peachy taste hits my tongue and I NEED more. This was a great way to start my day this morning.
I enjoyed the rich sweetness of the first steep more than the milky creamy second steep. Thank you LauraR for the opportunity to try this tea! I can see it becoming a favorite!
This has become my go to morning tea. I love the blueberry pastry notes, and have been finding whole dried blueberries the farther I get down in this pouch. I just really enjoy this tea. The package is slowly dwindling. I hope one of the other flavored blacks I have from 52 teas will take its place when this is gone. This is perfect for my mornings. No additives needed. I find it better flavored without the milk and sugar.
This is another one I’m sad to have missed. Sometimes I wish Frank wasn’t such a tea-blending genius. It’s only sometimes, though, and only when I realize he’s out of a tea that I want.
Mmmmm….smells like apricot gummy rings, the fruity, sweet orange and yellow O’s Trolli makes. Love how fragrant this tea is. Brewed up a small 5oz cup so I could enjoy multiple infusions. Love the light sweet apricot flavor in this blend. I have enjoyed six steepings of this tea (added 1tsp more of leaves after the first 3 infusions). I could see this being a regular tea. I could drink this all day and not sicken of it.
Ahhh….sigh. This tea will carry you away to a tropical island. The leaves are strongly scented of cherry, pineapple and coconut. Makes me think of higher calorie blended beverages that are oh so sweet and delicious. The leaves are a medium length green, maybe a sencha? I’m pretty new to green teas, so not sure, and they weren’t listed.
The aroma is similar to the scent of the dry leaf, sweet and fruity. The taste is sweet, fruity and comes through with a strong green base. I’d like more coconut flavor in the blend, but it is definitely part of the blend. Great pairing for a green tea. I found I liked it better hot than iced. The flavors came through stronger in the hot version than in the iced.
Thanks LauraR for including some of this in the tea swap package:)
Art of Tea Sample 12/24
Wow..the Earl is very strong in this one. This is a highly scented bergamot tea. I probably shouldn’t have had this right after the Jasmine, but it was to be steeped at the same temperature, so I brewed them up at the same time.
As it cools I can taste more of the sweet green tea base, and less of the hit you in the face bergamot. I’m excited to be moving on to the dessert blends this afternoon. If the chocolate in chocolate monkey is as strong as the bergamot in this Earl, I will be in heaven!
They’ve got to wait before I try them. My kettle is now rusted inside:-(. Hubby threw it away. I have no other way to heat tea until I pick something up. Drats.
AUGH!!!!! He threw it away when you had nothing to already replace it?! Tell him the Breville can’t rust and will last longer.
Art of Tea sample 11/24
I could sit here and sniff this tea all day, but that wouldn’t be a very good review. The blueberry pieces are huge in this blend, understanding why it smells so deliciously berry and jasmine. The taste is of sweet blueberry and jasmine, a very very strong jasmine. It leaves a taste on my mouth similar to getting sprayed in the face with perfume/hairspray/air freshner that just is not pleasant. I love the initial taste of the blueberries, but the jasmine really throws one for a loop.
I wonder if this could be tamed by blending with another tea? Or an herbal berry blend? I really really wanted to love this one!
It got a little better when it cooled off, the jasmine wasn’t so much a perfume…or maybe my mouth built up a tolerance to it?
Art of Tea sample 10/24
This tea has so much going on. The first sips are very tart with a bit of floral undertones. I definitely taste the rosehips in this one. Made the liquid a very dark orange. This tastes very herbal/medicinal. I think I would enjoy it more if it didn’t have the chamomile and mint in it. Too many mixes of flavor to be satisfying to my mouth today. Wow. Try this for an interesting experience.
Art of Tea sample 9/24
This is a very mellow citrus tea. The liquor is a pale crimson and full of tart citrus aroma. The taste is smooth and mild with more of an aftertaste of orange and lemongrass. For those of you that find hibiscus to strong and tart, this would be a good tea to try. I like my teas with a bit more zest.
And still drooling…