558 Tasting Notes

drank Sally's Secret by Harney & Sons
558 tasting notes

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Tropical flavored rooibos and caffiene free. Nice and sweet with out being too much so. I prefer Teavana’s Zingiber Ginger Coconut and art of teas dessert line over this, but will finish what’s left in the sample pack I purchased.

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This tea smells of sweet ripe currants and spicy cardamom. It tastes green, almost like a lighter green tea, but it is green rooibos. There is light currant flavor and overtones of cardamom that tingle the throat after continuous sips. I really enjoy the lightness to this tea/tisane. I really like how well RoT does green rooibos.

I was going to pick up Chocolate Ginger and the Blood Orange Chocolate red teas but I’ve heard disappointing things about RoT’s chocolate teas, so I passed…even though they are limited additions at World Market….well, the chocolate ginger red tea is, I’m not 100% on the Blood Orange Chocolate tea. World Market has so many amazing foods, treats and housewares I love taking a trip there! I just wish more were open near me, most of them have closed :(

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more

So I guess this one is also worth picking up a tin of, huh? And what is this Blood Orange Chocolate that you speak of? I’ve not seen it yet!


I was wondering about this one… I love the Plantain coconut one!

Meghann M

The blood orange chocolate was in with their setup of comfort and joy. Is it the same as the year of the tiger tea?


Year of the Tiger says it’s “chocolate orange rooibos”. Even if it is the same, that’s rather exciting, since I was afraid that they’d discontinue the YotT. Totally plotting WM adventure now!

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Planning on finishing the last five bags of this tea today. I’d like to decupboard a tea today as I am heading to World Market to use two coupons and hoping to find some seasonal teas leftover.

I have only good things to say about this tea. I’ve had it hot, iced, with milk and sugar, plain and it is great every time. Impressed with the size of Zhena’s bagged teas. May venture out to a new flavor today.


I must find this tea and try it.

Meghann M

world market has Zhena’s buy one get one 50% off…not sure how close you live, but I remember you got the fall teas there. I bought too many other things to justify two more tins of this, but I was close…so close to getting them!


It’s a little over an hour, so it is a special trip. I’m thinking about a trip there on Friday…wonder how long Zhena’s will be on special.

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Approaching the end of this tin. Makes me sad, this is so good, I can’t believe it was hiding in the back of my cupboard for so long:(

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Had a big pot of this last night while watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. We’re trying to watch all of the previous Harry Potter’s before the new one comes out. It’s so fun to see them so young again. I haven’t seen these beginning years since they first came out!

This tea kept me awake through the film, my hubby still fell asleep. I enjoy the tart cranberries in this tea so much!


Eeeee that is such a good idea. I tend to re-read the books before each film comes out – I’m such a nerd! (I also rewatch all of the Lord of the Rings films every winter holiday – supernerd!).

Next semester my class is the Literature of Childhood, and one of the books we are reading is the Prisoner of Azkaban – can you imagine how excited I am!?!?!


I rewatch the Lord of the Rings about once a month! Can’t wait to see the Deathly Hallows!


I LOVE Harry Potter. I’ve read all the books at least 3 times, and now am re-reading them with my 9-year-old. I am so anxiously awaiting the release of these last 2 movies.


Love the seasonal movie nerdiness…I’m pleased; the temperature is finally going to be right this weekend for the Annual Viewing of Dead Poets’ Society. (Must NOT be watched until the daily high does not exceed 55 degrees. Carpe diem!)


gmathis – I shall take up your tradition :) I think it’s 56 today! Maybe a week or two away for me :)

Meghann M

I wish the books were available for the kindle. I suppose I could always get then from the library to re-read them. I just prefer reading on the kindle now that I have one. I’ll be sad when the last two movies are through:(


I just ordered 4oz of this, coming in tomorrow :D


I recently got a Sony Reader so I totally understand the digital book love! I’m reading David Copperfield on it now – I am loving all the free olde books because most of my copies of the classics are worn paperbacks and unpleasant and hard to read.

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Thank you Ashmanra for sending me a sample of this and two other Harney teas. The mail man delivered the goodies today and this had to be my first choice to sample.

The dried tea smells like sweet honeyed black tea and candied fruit. Maybe berries? Reminds me of candied fruits you find around at christmas time.

The taste is has a hint of bergamot, a great tea taste and hints of candied sweetened fruits as I sip. I can’t place any individiual fruit taste, but I really enjoy this tea. It reminds me of the likes of Dammann Freres and Mariage Freres teas. The tea tastes expensive…it is great tea with great flavoring added.

I’ll be heading to B and N to see if they have more of this tea, otherwise I will have to place another Harney soon! Thanks again Ashmanra.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Our Barnes and Noble doesn’t carry this one! I hope yours does. I have to order mine, and they told me they are considering adding it in loose leaf form since a couple of people have inquired about it. Actually, it may just have been me….twice!


I plan to experiment! I thinkif you add two tsps. of Elyse’s Blend (oh so yummy!) to one tsp. Paris you may get something that comes close to loose leaf Tower of London! I will give it a try when my order comes later this week and let you know!

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I thought Jasmine teas weren’t for me until I tried this tea. The jasmine isn’t cloying as it can become in many blends. It is light and sweet instead of heavy and perfume ladden. The green tea base is just the smooth soft tea base the jasmine needs to shine. This is getting added to my shopping list.

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Live in the cornfields of IL, but not too far from the city. Expecting a baby any day now (due Oct 24 2011). Sticking to mainly herbal and low caffeine teas for now. Trying to encourage my husbands tea drinking, but he adds so much sweetner he may as well just drink diet pop. I love trying new teas, and will try any tea once.



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