I’ve been hot or miss with Tealux’s fruit tisanes. I was looking for something to cold steep last night and picked up this one. I opened the package and was assaulted by the spiciness of this – in your face cinnamon and clove. I put the whole sample size package in the pitcher, filled with cold water, and hoped for the best.
This is very similar to Davids Kanpe. I LOVE Kanpe, and this is like that but with a kick. This has more spice, less tart. Cherry is the 7th fruit listed in the ingredients, but I feel that’s the predominant flavor. I think I might have “over leafed” this a bit. I’ve poured the tea off and put some more water on the “leaves” will add the two steeps together to see if that backs the spices down a bit. If I hadn’t tried Kanpe, I would really like this, but it’s not as good as Davids version. IMHO.