Followed by 828 Tea Drinkers

BxRizzle 17 followers

Hi! My name is Brittany. I’m 23 years old and from Atlanta, Georgia. I’m not ...

Liquid Psychosis 1 followers

I have been drinking looseleaf tea for a good couple years now, and my tea co...

Cedes 75 followers

Gosh I’m so horrible at these things. So my name is Cedes. I just recently st...

Insence&Tea 198 followers

I’m new to the high quality tea world and eager to get started tasting and en...

senia 11 followers

Jessenia, 20, space kitten, Vancouver,B.C, Canada, the world the universe.

BlueKittyMeow 90 followers

I’m a writer and as such, am obviously an emotional rollercoaster. I used to ...

Cassie Eng 36 followers

“The rich nuances and flavor notes, who could resist the healing powers of te...



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