Edit: is there any difference between this and the "Laoshan White? I’m putting my note under this name as that’s what it says on the sticker..
I ripped open my sample of this to have as a celebration tea for making it back to University town and being reunited with my never-before-used “blooming teapot” (and also, my cool roommate).
The first few steeps were tinged with seaweed greenery, and I was missing my Yunnan White Jasmine dearly at this stage. It felt like I was drinking an extremely mild, vegetal green.
My later steeps are more to my liking; “silky”, “clover honey”, and “almond milk” are spot on. Nom nom nom. Much more like the creamy white I was craving, although the vegetal elements are still apparent (and much appreciated). I think this is around my sixth to eighth infusion but I could be mistaken.
This was a beautiful choice to “baptize” my small pot in; the leaves are long, slender, and stringy. I know my tasting experiences are limited but I’ve never had a white tea that tasted quite like this.
right u r…they are the same tea but the name was magnicified (I like that word).
Totally adding to my new words to use from now on list….
haha…askaperious experience making up words.
It took me many a few moments to realize that magnicified is not located in the dictionary. It should be.