I’ve known this for as long as I can remember, but just got confirmation of a very important lesson- God gives you exactly what you need exactly when you need it.
Even though she’s sick, mom decided to go grocery shopping tonite. We had planned to have something for dinner that required grocery shopping (eggplant parmigana w/ homemade chard and herb pasta) until she got sick. So we were just gonna make due, no big deal. But then she decided at 5:30 to go which means dinner would be insanely late.
I was starved and, since I hadn’t had my daily matcha, I decided to have half a bowl to tide me over. Mom walks out the door and I prep my matcha. I no sooner get it whisked (still no foam dang it) and my mom calls. She’s not going grocery shopping. My grandpa (who has emphazema and Parkinson’s) got the h1n1 vaccine before Christmas and since has had trouble breathing (even though he’s been on oxygen 24/7 for years), sleeps almost constantly, and isn’t eating (which for him is like me not drinking tea lol) so my grandma called an ambulance to take him to the hospital and wanted my mom to meet her there. It’s not enough for me to be delt crap, but now my family? So I did the only thing I could do. Told satan to go back to where he belongs and found comfort in my matcha. If I had my matcha earlier in the day, which is what I normally do, I wouldn’t have had this comfort literally in my hands when I needed it most. I love God’s timing.
Whoa… kinda wrote a book here… sorry… If there’s anyone still reading at this point to apologize to. If people still are and if you pray, please do. And go drink some matcha from a fun bowl- it’ll make you smile even when life makes you scream. Although I can’t hold my empty matcha bowl too long or I’ll be tempted to throw it lol.
So sorry to hear about your family going through so much right now. What a way to end the year, huh?
Prayers and good tea to you and your family!
Thanks Peggie! I’m thinking of making some mecha next which in my opinon is a steeped version of matcha. Between the caffeine and the tannins, I’m not sure I want to have another half bowl at this point- I think that may result in an effect that isn’t very soothing and comforting, and that’s exactly why I drink matcha daily.
I like your perspective on this, but I’m sorry to hear that your Grandpa’s having a hard time. (I’m very anti-vax, myself, and hear a lot of stories about reactions to shots…). I hope he’s back to himself soon—and your mom, too!
I’m snacking on some fruit and stuff w/ my tea. I have enough lettuce for a small salad that I think I’ll have, but I wanna kinda wait to see how late mom’ll be.
I’m pro H1N1 vaccine especially for someone like him- and I don’t think it really has much to do w/ that. Looking back I don’t think my cousin and I should have gone over there because I was just getting over my cold and Desiree was even sicker than I was. We were just being really selfish and didn’t want to miss Christmas. Oh well, what’s done is done.
So sorry to hear about your family going through so much right now. What a way to end the year, huh?
Prayers and good tea to you and your family!
Thanks Peggie! I’m thinking of making some mecha next which in my opinon is a steeped version of matcha. Between the caffeine and the tannins, I’m not sure I want to have another half bowl at this point- I think that may result in an effect that isn’t very soothing and comforting, and that’s exactly why I drink matcha daily.
I like your perspective on this, but I’m sorry to hear that your Grandpa’s having a hard time. (I’m very anti-vax, myself, and hear a lot of stories about reactions to shots…). I hope he’s back to himself soon—and your mom, too!
p.s. You gonna get some supper?
I’m snacking on some fruit and stuff w/ my tea. I have enough lettuce for a small salad that I think I’ll have, but I wanna kinda wait to see how late mom’ll be.
I’m pro H1N1 vaccine especially for someone like him- and I don’t think it really has much to do w/ that. Looking back I don’t think my cousin and I should have gone over there because I was just getting over my cold and Desiree was even sicker than I was. We were just being really selfish and didn’t want to miss Christmas. Oh well, what’s done is done.
Update on my grandpa- pnuemonia. Not really surprising for a smoker and former mill worker.
When I’m counting blessings, a well-timed cup of tea to sink my face into is usually at the top of the list—-I hear where you’re coming from! Prayers that you’ll be surprised by joy, good news, and some other little creature comforts today.