So, this is the tea I had with my meal at the Thai restaurant last night. I was eating a very rich red curry, so some of the subtleties of this tea were definitely lost on me. I was expecting not to like the pomegranate flavoring at all, but I was surprised at how pleasant it was. It reminded me a lot of currant, and it hadn’t occurred to me how similar pomegranate and currant smells (to me, at least) until last night. Anyhow, the disappointing factor in this was the base tea. I was just not liking it, and it had a weird taste in the back palate/aftertaste. I wouldn’t purchase this one again, but I remain open to trying another pomegranate tea from Harney & Sons with a different base…
is it possible that thai flavors just overpowered and didn’t go together? Its not bad cold steeped and refreshing during the summer.
It could be…I guess I would give it another try, especially since the pomegranate flavoring was so pleasant…
is it possible that thai flavors just overpowered and didn’t go together? Its not bad cold steeped and refreshing during the summer.
It could be…I guess I would give it another try, especially since the pomegranate flavoring was so pleasant…
I also really enjoy this one iced (and hot, if I’m in the right mood).