Thanks to Teascent for the oolong sample! I got 2 teabags in a foil bag to try out. What I love about oolongs is that the leaves are so small when dry but really plump up when brewed. The teabag became like a little floating pillow :) I started sipping at about 5 minutes, and the tea was light and floral. It seems like a nice tea for snacking with since the taste is not too strong. The bag floated on the top because of the air bubble but was too hot to grab so I just drank the tea and left it floating but after about 7 minutes the flowery taste got stronger and I preferred the lighter taste so i grabbed a spoon to fish it out. The aftertaste was pretty light as well. It does hold up to resteeping well and did not lose taste. I think I’ll give the second bag to my dad to try, he’s been having light green teas lately and I think he’ll like this one.