639 Tasting Notes
Hmm, this is pretty mediocre at best. I’m not a fan of spearmint in anything other than gum. So, this basically just tastes like liquid gum to me. The good news? I can’t detect any hibiscus!
It isn’t horrible for a bagged tea, but it’s not something that I really want to drink either. Oh well. I didn’t have high expectations for this one anyway.
Why is there peppermint in a tea that’s called “I Love Lemon”? Shouldn’t it just be a bunch of lemon flavors? Well, despite my confusion for the ingredients included, it tastes all right I guess. The lemon is more potent than the mint, for which I’m grateful. This is pretty good for a “tea” that doesn’t actually have any tea in it. Color me impressed!
I agree with Erin Hurley on this one. It tastes more like apple than pomegranate. It’s sweet and tart from the hibiscus but at a tolerable level. Overall, it’s nothing exceedingly special. But it’s not bad either. It’s just
This isn’t as good as my Tazo concentrated chai tea latte mix, but it’s pretty darn tasty for a teabag. Mmm mmm! This is a very satisfying cup with a little skim milk and Truvia added. Yummy!!
I’ve made this at work a couple times, and it was nowhere near as tasty as this cup. I think it’s because the hot water tap at work isn’t quite hot enough. I enjoy this significantly more at home, and I suspect that’s why. My advice is to be sure to use boiling water to get the most flavor out of this one!
It’s time for Orange & Spice ‘cause I need something nice! I’m not sure why I’m rhyming so much tonight. All this caffeine free tea is just putting me in that kind of mood.
The dry leaf aroma smells sooo good! There’s a lot more spice in this than I anticipated. The brewed tea aroma is equally as enticing. Ohhhhh yeaaaahh!!! The taste isn’t quite as great as the flavor, but that’s a common characteristic with many teas. It’s still very delicious and really hitting the spot. Yum!
Thanks to my mother-in-law for buying this for me! I’ll have to tell her how much I like it next time we visit. :)
I’m finally making headway with all these teabag samples I’ve had since forever. So since I’m kind of on a chamomile roll…here’s my last chamomile tea!
Oh, P.U.! This is not going to be a good one. It is stinky! Yuck. Well, it surprisingly doesn’t taste NEARLY as bad as it smells. I still don’t really want to drink it though. Who wants to hold their nose when they drink a cup of tea? Not me.
Ah, at long last! My cupboard is finally chamomile free! :P
Big thanks to Stacy from Butiki Teas for providing this sample with my last order! I accidently let this one sit in my cupboard for a while. Shame on me. But it’s night time and I’m sleepy. This sounds like the perfect tea for right now!
The dry leaf aroma is really surprising to me. I expected it to smell like chamomile, but instead it smells like fruit. The brewed tea aroma has more of a chamomile fragrance to it. Wow. So this is what chamomile tastes like. Hmm, it’s tasty but I’m not sure it’s the flavor for me. I enjoyed the chance to try it though!
I’m not sure if I like chamomile. So before I try the Citrus Dream sample from Butiki Teas, I’ll try this bagged tea first. This mostly smells like mint when dry. Once brewed, it has a slight chamomile aroma underneath the more obvious mint.
The flavor is a similar sensory experience. I can taste a lot of mint with a hint of chamomile underneath. Mmm, I don’t know if I’m sleep deprived or what. But this isn’t bad. This is a relaxing blend indeed. *content sigh
You know you haven’t drunk enough tea when you have goosebumps and it’s 72 degrees in your apartment. What’s wrong with me? Well, it’s time to make more tea! After trying the Laoshan Black Chocolate Genmaicha sample from JustJames, I wanted to compare it to plain Laoshan black. And lucky for me, JustJames provided a sample of that too!! I feel so lucky. :)
Mmmm!! I like this much better than the aforementioned blend. This is malty and grainy and delicious! It’s also a tad woodsy, which explains why I was tasting so much of that flavor in the oolong/black blend. I am thoroughly enjoying this cup (and its second infusion). Thanks JustJames!!
Ooooh, I am super excited for this one! Big thanks to JustJames for sending me a sample!
The dry leaf aroma sure smells chocolaty, mmm! The brewed tea aroma is salty and toasty and completely different. I can really smell the Wuyi oolong in this. The first thing to hit my palate is a salty nuttiness from the oolong. Yet as I swallow, there’s a lovely honey sweetness that appears. That’s a surprise!
This is a yummy cup of tea! But I’m a bit confused with its name as I’m not getting much in the way of chocolate or genmaicha. I also think the oolong is a LOT stronger in this than the Laoshan black. I am getting something toasty, but it’s not the popped rice flavor I’m accustomed to in genmaicha. And when it comes to chocolate, I want IN YOUR FACE chocolate. This is like a quiet whisper of wind through the branches of a cacao tree.
As it cooled, all I could taste was the Wuyi oolong and I found it fairly bitter. Yuck. I didn’t want to give up on this tea just yet though, so I tried a second steep for 4 minutes. The resultant brew was much toastier but also less robust and rich. I think I actually prefer this second infusion. There’s still a nice, natural sweetness and it’s appearing more at the front end of the sip now. But what really makes this second cup a winner is that there’s definitely no bitterness!
I’m surprised that Verdant felt compelled to add oolong to this. I think it would have been just fine as an all Laoshan black base. I’ve never been much of a fan of these dark, rock oolongs. So although I enjoyed the sample, I don’t think I’ll stock this tea myself. I guess I’ll be the only one on here to not rave about this blend! Oh well. You never know till you try! Thanks again to JustJames for making this tasting experience possible.