My brain feels fuzzy. I watched The Hobbit 2 today in the higher frame rate of 48 fps. It was like watching a video game. Super weird, and my brain hasn’t recovered yet. I don’t know how Peter Jackson could get this story so wrong. The second film is worse than the first. Someone described it to me as “fan fiction” and they are totally right! Jackson’s The Hobbit is pure fan fiction. Anyway, because of my fuzz brain, this tasting note may not entirely make sense. But here goes!
The leaves look dark to me. Is this a Formosa oolong? The brewed tea aroma is chocolate, oolong, and maybe a hint of coffee. Mmm, the flavor is a lot stronger than the aroma. That’s a change for the better that I’m not used to. It’s usually the other way around with the aroma being more potent than the flavor.
The flavor is chocolaty, creamy oolong. I am getting a hint of coffee too. Overall, the cup is becoming more muted as it cools. This is one to enjoy piping hot! I still can’t tell if this is a Formosa oolong or green. I guess I’m leaning towards green, but it’s not very vegetal.
This isn’t sugary sweet or cake-like. So, I don’t think it could take the place of real tiramisu should you have a craving. But it is a delicious tea, and I’m glad I had the chance to try it. Thank you for sharing, Courtney!
LOL! I can’t not watch it. It’s like a train wreck. At the very least, I don’t recommend watching it at the higher frame rate. It’s impossible to get sucked into the film. Everything just looks so fake it kept pushing me out and reminding me that I was watching a movie. I can usually really get pulled into films, but not when it’s shot like this. Blech.
OH, that makes me so sad. I saved the first Hobbit movie to watch on my birthday as a “treat” because the hubby would not normally consider it.
It was painful. It was so awful. I guess I won’t bother with the other two. I prefer to read my fanfiction. :P
oh, thanks for the warning about the hobbit! no need to watch from the sounds of it!
LOL! I can’t not watch it. It’s like a train wreck. At the very least, I don’t recommend watching it at the higher frame rate. It’s impossible to get sucked into the film. Everything just looks so fake it kept pushing me out and reminding me that I was watching a movie. I can usually really get pulled into films, but not when it’s shot like this. Blech.
Geez, I haven’t even watched the first one yet. :/
OH, that makes me so sad. I saved the first Hobbit movie to watch on my birthday as a “treat” because the hubby would not normally consider it.
It was painful. It was so awful. I guess I won’t bother with the other two. I prefer to read my fanfiction. :P
I’m still watching it Christmas Day. I’m a bit of a completist when it comes to book series and movies, much to my brain’s dismay. :) (Yes, fanfic! Party elves! (Ooh, maybe I should dress up.))