Day 54 of my 101 days of DAVIDsTEA challenge!
Bough a cup of this in-store. Managed to spill around a tenth of it on myself — I’d forgotten how hard it is to manouver tea and an umbrella at the same time.
Nonetheless, the tea was quite good straight — it had a lovely pungent chai flavour, with sweetness. I quite enjoyed it. However, I’m not sure if it’s because it doesn’t resteep well or because it’s just not as good this way, but I didn’t like it as much the second time around with milk and brown sugar. Therefore, I think this might be the first chai I really prefer straight!
I just hope I have better drinking conditions the next time I indulge in a cup of this….
eeek, umbrellas and tea really don’t mix!! I’ve had to fight that battle more times than I like to admit :(