Ooh, all right getting into this one for the first time but it’s an interesting brew.

The first thing it reminds me of is a larger-leafed variation of a lapsang souchong (unsmoked) I had a tin of laying around. I would say the golden honey may be tied to the aroma but only the aftertaste has a honey-like stickiness and sweetness to it. After the tea has cooled down, passing it over your tongue leaves the same sweetness. It’s not overpowering but it is present.

Bready, woody, malt. This is a mild black tea that has a great body and little astringency. I’m still working my way through the flavors of this one but it is a very pleasant experience to base my opinions on.
I am getting a hay/wheat body more than anything else. Hard to describe.

Flavors: Grain, Honey, Malty, Sweet, Wood

11 g 5 OZ / 150 ML

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My rating system is in honor of K.S.

90-100 Stellar, to be displayed proudly if shared with guests. Or just a tea that hits its mark well.
80-90 I enjoy this tea a lot, would purchase and drink it. Fine if it lives in the pantry
70-80 Above Average, would drink it and probably still buy if the mood struck me.
50-70 Average, I would still drink it when available.
0-50 I don’t care for this tea, and have no desire to care for it.



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