Followed by 209 Tea Drinkers

Shang Tea 70 followers

Shang is a native of China. Having grown up in China, he has an appreciation ...

Brian 44 followers

Well I’m still fairly new to the nuances of finer teas, but I’m trying to lea...

Michelle Butler Hallett 171 followers

Writer and tea fiend. Author of CONSTANT NOBODY, THIS MARLOWE, DELUDED YOUR S...

Kat_ 6 followers

Can’t go a day without tea! Love it, love it, love it!

Hippietea 77 followers

I love good quality tea, I started buying tea about 5 years ago & havent ...

kikks 10 followers

Brazilian, writer, beginner

pinky 22 followers

Gorreana Tea 101 followers

Europe’s Oldest Tea Estate. Organic Grown, High End Tea Since 1883.

teaNsympathy 44 followers

“The heaven of modern humanity is indeed shattered in the Cyclopean struggle ...



current profile photo: my teapot, teacup & saucer w/ Rishi White Peony Tea



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