Followed by 209 Tea Drinkers

Lori 160 followers

Just a few months ago the only tea I drank was hot lipton tea at work, an occ...

Gander 47 followers

the quiet life 55 followers

I blame half of my tea obsession on Japan and the time I spent there in a stu...

Cloudwalker Teas 59 followers

I’ve been drinking tea since I was a kid when I used to have a strong cup of ...

Networld 27 followers

Japanese Green Tea enthusiast and medical student. I drink high-quality tea d...

lahikmajoe 25 followers

Acoustic musician, writer and teacher.

Feisty 59 followers

In hopes of standardizing my ratings a bit more I’ve devised my own scale: 1 ...

spittingoutteeth 30 followers

My name is Jay and I live in Burlington, VT. I create motion graphics for a ...

JustDuckyInNE 38 followers

I’m 57, used to be I/T project & program manager and live with a pug (Rhu...

__Morgana__ 570 followers

I got obsessed with tea in 2010 for a while, then other things intruded, then...



current profile photo: my teapot, teacup & saucer w/ Rishi White Peony Tea



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