this tea is chosen based on how easy the tin was to open anhd also because i bloody well deserve some spoiling.
the only reason i’m posting anythung at all is to say i’m going to be quiet and lurky for a little while because i managedto cvut the tip of my right index finger at work so i can’t really use it for anything. this is all typed with one hand and as you can see it’s not really ideal. i don’t have patience for this. but i can still use the mouse so i am around, i just can’t really type much. it’s niot as bad as it sounds only two stitches, it’s just in a reallu impractical place.
You need a personal assistant to help brew the tea and then you can dictate what you need typed ;) Seriously – I too hope for a quick healing! ::hugs::
Oh my goodness! Not cool! I hope you heal quickly – drink more tea, that can only help, right?
This calls for an official “OMG”. I hope it heals quickly.
whoo boy, ouchies! Thirding the heal quickly sentiment!
Oh no! Poor finger! Let me add my heal quickly thoughts!
You need a personal assistant to help brew the tea and then you can dictate what you need typed ;) Seriously – I too hope for a quick healing! ::hugs::
Sending healing thoughts in your direction!
Awwww. Long distance hug. But I generally only type with onr hand. They fight if I put both of them on the keyboard. No manners at all. :)