Goodmorning Steepsterites.
I have NOTHING to DRINK!!!
I briefly considered trying one of the remaining Auggy-teas, but eventually came to the conclusion that early morning boredom wasn’t really the right circumstance for that. Considering how quickly the cardboard-y note incarnation of the Tan Yang Te Ji vanished yesterday morning, I eventually decided to let myself be inspired by that and make some real Assam.
Ouch, hot!
Yes, it’s definitely reminding me of yesterday morning. A bit stronger perhaps but very similar.
I checked that I took the right tin yesterday.
But can we ever really be completely certain?
Unrelatedly, my TTB participants can look here ( for the first part of a couple of posts about the box. The second part should be up soonishly, I hope. (Yes, I know it was posted ages ago, but I thought it would be used for someone else so I didn’t tell)