So I finally got the Breville One Touch Tea Maker for Mother’s Day! All I can say is Thanks guys (to my hubby and son) you finally listened to all my hints and did the right thing. The reason I say this is because usually I am given a card (which I love and cherish) and told to go buy myself something. While this sounds like a good deal (and I admit it’s not SO bad) it’s just kinda become boring I wanted a gift and I knew what I wanted and to their credit I sometimes do not know what I want.
So on to the tasting note I am in a constant search of black teas that will taste good to me and kick my butt into gear in the mornings. So in come’s this one Imperial Red by Silk Road Teas I have to start out by saying that it doesn’t have much smell to the dry leaf. In my search of the perfect black wake up tea I need little to NO astringency I don’t like astringency and certainly do not want to taste astringency upon waking up.
I preset the Breville and when I walked in from dropping my son off from school there sat my tea ready and waiting gosh was that nice. So I pour my tea into a teapot (note to self need to buy a two cup teapot) and here I sit looking over email and posting tasting notes. This tea is very good while I hate to compare it to the Simple Leaf’s Dawn it’s the only thing I can think of that may somewhat compare so here’s what I taste I taste black tea with NO astringency YES! I get a very light whisper of smoke and cocoa but I can see where one may not it does not have the natural flavors of a tea like Dawn but it is an excellent morning to mid afternoon tea in that it is a great black tea you can just tell it is a high quality tea from the taste and from the lack of bitter black tea taste. It is a good tea I will happily finish my 1 ounce bag not sure if I will order more but if I don’t find anything I like more I could see me reordering.
I’m not sure if I have done this tea justice in this tasting note but I do want to make it clear that black tea lovers would probably really enjoy this tea. I could see someone like tea=bliss loving this hmmm maybe I should send her some so she could give it a review.
Awesome! Happy belated Mother’s Day to you, and I’m so happy for your gift. I am going to be getting the same thing (a Breville!) in a couple of weeks as a combined gift, and I so look forward to it! I look forward to reading about your adventures with it in the meantime.
LiberTEAS, I cannot wait to read your tasting notes with your new Breville too!
JacquelineM, They knew they better not show up without one or they’d be eating healthy foods for the next several weeks LOL when I threaten my Hubby and Son with healthy meals they miraculously are able to hear and remember what I say.
Awesome! Happy belated Mother’s Day to you, and I’m so happy for your gift. I am going to be getting the same thing (a Breville!) in a couple of weeks as a combined gift, and I so look forward to it! I look forward to reading about your adventures with it in the meantime.
What a lovely gift!!!!
LiberTEAS, I cannot wait to read your tasting notes with your new Breville too!
JacquelineM, They knew they better not show up without one or they’d be eating healthy foods for the next several weeks LOL when I threaten my Hubby and Son with healthy meals they miraculously are able to hear and remember what I say.
You’ve stumped me with this one!