I’ve been drinking this tea for the past several days in an attempt to decide if it gives me extra energy like it claims. On several of those days I plain did not get enough sleep as I had to be up at 6 am. On those days I ended up having coffee later in the morning to wake me up. On the days where I could sleep until 9 am it seemed to give me extra energy. Today is another 9 am day so we will see.
As far as the taste this tea tastes heavily of cinnamon and cloves, I really don’t think I taste the other herbal ingredients and it is a little hard to taste the tea base. I do like this tea. I am just still on the fence about its added energy claims.
I brewed this one time with 4 tsp leaf and 190 degree water in a 16oz Teavana Glass Perfect Tea Maker/Gravity Steeper for 5 min.