I have just a few of these left in inventory – I know that the holidays seem a long way off now, but it really is good on this chilly evening. (Or, I guess … morning) Of the three tisanes that I crafted for Amoda’s boxes this past holiday season, this one is my favorite … which is kinda weird for me to say since – you know – hibiscus? Yeah, hibiscus is not my favorite thing out there in the world of “tea” but I like the way it works here. It adds enough texture to the cup without tasting like it’s funky-weird hibiscus-y self. I taste fruit (orange, cranberry, apple & pear) & spices (cinnamon & clove & a hint of juniper berry) but not hibiscus. I don’t even really taste the rooibos. I just taste something that reminds me of holiday punch that would be found at adult holiday parties when I was a kid – the kind that they would serve in the fancy punch bowls. Yummy!