This is one of last month’s teas – I cold-brewed it overnight to enjoy today. It’s a different drink when cold-brewed, in my opinion. The green tea becomes a bit more prominent here, reminding me a bit of a gyokuro. I am still getting the fruit notes which add a nice dimension to the overall cup but what struck me most was the notes of green tea I am getting.
Fortunately, those green tea notes play well with the notes of sweet and tart that I get from the variety of fruits in this blend and I also find myself able to pick out the different flavors as I continue to sip on this. The coconut is a bit more prominent in a hot cuppa – here, it becomes more of a tropical note, sweet and creamy for sure but not quite as strongly, definitively coconut to me as it was with the hot taste test. The pineapple is sweet and just a little bit tangy – and that tanginess is accentuated with the presence of the lime which is definitely more prominent in the cold-brew versus the hot-brew. The blueberry comes through at first as more of that berry tingle towards the end of the sip and into the aftertaste, but as I continue to sip, the blueberry comes forward a bit more.
It’s a really nice composition. I didn’t sweeten this pitcher of tea but I’d imagine that a bit of sugar would bring out the fruit notes a bit more. Me, I like it just the way it is.