Guangzhou Milk Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Natural Flavours, Oolong Tea
Floral, Vegetal, Cream, Orchid, Sweet, Butter, Milk, Smooth, Creamy, Jasmine, Mineral, Green, Sweet, Warm Grass, Tannin, Earth, Vanilla, Milky, Nutty, Fish Broth, Fishy, Petrichor, Plants, Caramel, Honey, Honeysuckle, Spinach
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec 5 g 27 oz / 787 ml

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This ultra-rare oolong from the Wuyi Mountains of China is velvety smooth and lightly creamy, with a subtle hint of orchid. It’s said that it came about when the moon fell in love with a comet. The comet passed her by, as comets will do. The moon cried milky tears, which chilled the tea fields, withering the leaves and giving them a delicate creaminess. It’s been a rare luxury ever since.

Ingredients: Chinese oolong tea from the Fujian province, natural flavouring.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

324 Tasting Notes

513 tasting notes


Um no.

Not going to happen. My suspicions were raised when I smelled the dry leaf. It didn’t initially smell like much of anything, although if I inhaled deeper, I could sort of detect a scent I can only describe as old and earthy. But I soldiered on, because I’m on a quest to discover the spectrum of oolong tea, and why not start with something that’s locally available? I do intend on getting samplers from popular vendors as well, but that isn’t entirely without complication: I’m then going to have to figure out which sample is which, and although there’s a way to do that, it’s timely and annoying and I don’t exactly feel like I have typical reserves of motivation at the moment. So yeah, this tea. I don’t like it. It tastes like bath water. I think I’m beginning to realize that the roasted-tasting oolongs aren’t for me, and i’m assuming that’s what this is. Like it tastes like you could add a pinch of salt to it and it could function as a broth. If there was anything redeeming about this tea though, it’s that you can definitely drink it without additions. I can’t even think of any additions that would redeem this tea, though. The oolong quest continues, despite my starting the journey on a less than pleasant sip. It’s now in my ever-expanding swap pile. i did lean over and invite myself to a sip of Mr. Keychange’s Fantasy Island, and that was lovely. But most of this cup went down the drain. If toasty tea is your thing, have at it. If you’re a fuss pot like me though, it’s just not going to happen.


Haha! No, I don’t think this is a very good way to start oolongs. Maybe try flavoured ones first? I started digging oolongs after trying flavoured ones. Happy Kombucha from DAVIDs is a pretty good one if you’re going to do DAVIDs first.


I picked out some flavoured oolongs for you and dropped into your sample envelope after reading your forum post – maybe one of those will work? If not, you and the other oolong abolitionists can start your own anti-oolong band, producing massive global hits such as, ‘So Long, Eww-Long’. Either way, you win.


Oh noooo! I used to like this one so much! Will this difference of opinion affect our «let’s rule the country together» little side project????


If you’re looking for a flavored oolong, have you tried Golden Moon’s Sugar Caramel Oolong or the Adagio Grapefruit one? I remember liking both of those (if you like those flavors) and I think you can order them in sample sizes. Crossing my fingers you find your gateway oolong as they are one of my favorites for the experience as well as the flavor!


Thanks for the responses, guys! the tea fairy, nothing should stand in the way of our revolution; this is but the first test of our partnership, and if we can move beyond this, I’m confident we can weather pretty much any storm. Anna, how very thoughtful of you! I hope I love them, but in the event that I don’t, I shall indeed write up some poetry and songs about my feelings.


Haha and I have to say I’m the opposite and generally dislike flavoured oolongs with very few exceptions. :P I will always stand by Gui Fei from Butiki. :)


nxtdoor, I actually like the only flavoured oolong I’ve had (rose violet calendula by butiki; I love love love florals). I’ll give cumbucha a sniff next time I’m at David’s. And Morgana, I actually haven’t tried those flavours, but I know what reviews I’ll be reading next!


Please don’t judge all oolongs (or all milk oolongs) on this one. I generally find “quangzhou” milk oolongs to be substandard. If you love florals I highly recommended green tieguanyins which have natural floral notes. Verdant is an excellent resource as is Teavivre.


Fair enough. I’m going to keep an open mind. Just not about anything that’s described as tasting roasted LOL.


Aw, so relieved!
+1 with Dinosara on the green TGY. Also, Da Yu Ling and Wenshan Baozong are superb, two of my favourites are from Tealux, extremely sweet, florals and buttery. A new world of discoveries awaits you Keychange :-)


I didn’t like this one either when I started drinking oolongs, but I like it now.
I definitely had to start out on oolongs with flavoured ones. Butiki oolongs are great, and Long life oolong at DavidsTea is pretty good.
Good luck on your oolong adventure!


(I like this one with just a touch of forever nuts tossed in – about 1 1/2 tsp of this with 1/2 tsp of forever nuts… but that’s just me)


I usually love oolongs and I have an order of this on the way, so it better be good! lol Dexter, forever nuts and milk oolong… sounds pretty good… I’m going to have to try it.


This isn’t my favorite oolong, always think it needs a little something – the little something I like is forever nuts. You might like it just the way it is though. :))


I’m going to try this with forever nuts – sounds interesting!


Look at all our new discoveries! yay

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2201 tasting notes

And here’s my second-ever milk oolong. DaisyChubb was kind enough to send me a sample of this in a swap, and I’m excited to try another one! The dry leaf on this smells more sugary-creamy and less buttery than the ATR, though there’s definitely some butter-cream note in there. I can also catch whiffs of a vegetal note at times.

I steeped this tea basically according to the directions on the DavidsTea site, but I will say I looked through the tasting notes first and wow do people steep this one with wildly varying parameters! Their directions are perhaps a little longer (4-7 min) than I would steep a green oolong normally, and it is both longer and hotter than I steeped the ATR (following their directions). I had a little more leaf than I would normally use, so I decided to drop the steep time so that I didn’t overwhelm the cup. After steeping the tea smells very floral, almost like some orchid oolongs I’ve had, creamy and buttery with a fruity undertone.

This is a pretty tasty tea, floral and vegetal and a touch fruity. I just reread the product description where they describe a “subtle hint of orchid”… I definitely agree on the orchid, but I don’t think it’s very subtle! That’s fine with me, but it means I identify it more with orchid oolongs than the milk oolong I’ve had. There is a smoothness and butteriness, but the creamy milk flavor is fairly light. It does grow a bit as the tea cools, as does the sweetness, which gives it a slight condensed-milk flavor in the aftertaste. If I had never had ATR’s Milk Oolong I might have rated this into the 90s, honestly. I still find it delicious and absolutely would very happily drink it any time.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 15 sec

This is one of my top three favorite oolongs out there. In fact I may or may not have three unopened pouches of it in my kitchen at the moment. :) I don’t get the orchid flavoring. To me it is a very smooth and creamy flavor with the floral/vegetal hints at the end. I’ll have to sample it a few more times and see if the orchid flavor comes out to play.


This is the tea that I got most with the $1 straight tea promo that just ended.


That’s so interesting! Some teas seem to be like that… everyone tastes different things. I did think this tea was really delicious, and if I had easy access to a DavidsTea I would likely keep it in stock, even! Scratch that, I just looked at the DavidsTea website and there is apparently a store opening soon in NYC about a block away from my favorite record store in the village. Guess I will get a chance to buy more of this tea and try it out again.

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1445 tasting notes

Oh, milk oolong, how I missed you. Thank you, Heather and ShayneBear, for both swapping me some of this. I love you both very much. This is one of my favourites from David’s Tea and my first oolong. I haven’t had it in a while.

The hot milk/cheese aroma resonates with my love of creamy and tangy things. This is also floral, which is yet another pro for me. The smell really does dominate, even invading the flavours and profile of my mug of second-steep assam tea that I’m drinking alongside it.

I think some people would see this as pungent, especially on first steep. The floral, slightly nippy veggie flavour can sour up a subtle notch if left to build in strength. It’s a very rich and heavy drink and I usually prefer steeps two through four.

When I get down to under fifty teas in my cupboard, and have tasted most of the Butiki selection, I’m probably going to buy a tin of this (along with many others). For now I will drink what comes my way and amuse myself with dissuading the scout ants (this is a hopeless endeavor).

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Is 50 your target then? And of that, how many would be staples/tin-worthy? I had all these ideas before but now idk. 50 seems like enough to cover most cravings. :)


I’ve narrowed it down to about 26 I want around all the time in large amounts, but I think that will go up as I try more from Butiki, Red Leaf, etc. My mind also has a problem factoring in the impermanence of limited edition teas and my ever changing tastes. Oh, I know I’m going to change my mind countless times but 50 is definitely the target as of now. :)


50 sounds like a good target…I’m ultimately trying to get to about 20 with room for 30 or so rotating samples and random teas haha….not bloody likely the way I go about things. However, I am starting to get better about buying smaller quantities….mostly.

I am rooting for your sipdown to 50!


I find my tastes have changed even since the fall when I started logging teas. I can’t imagine just having 20 basics in my cupboard, but I might still be in the “collect them all” phase.


I find that my tastes change with the seasons…for example, on our visit to DAVIDs on Saturday, I picked up more Big Apple. I haven’t gotten any since the summer, but that’s because I find it too light to drink in the fall and winter months. For me it is a spring and summer tea. The reverse can be said about teas like Chocolate Orange Pu-Erh and some of the pumpkin ones, chocolate (except Love Tea #7) and other heavier teas.


I like Sil’s idea of a certain number of rotating teas, which would account for seasonal teas and and the random 52 blends. Speaking of 52 teas, that’s the major one putting a stint in my sipdown goals. Couldn’t resist getting the flavoured genmaichas, danish, etc.. and then I want to hoard them all! :/


I’m in the “collect them all” phase, but I hope it is just that: a phase!


(Weird, when I left my comment, none of the other ones showed up after OMGsrsly.)

I think Heather has a great point – tea preferences seem to change with the seasons so a large number of rotating teas seems like a good way to plan it. I could probably get away with 50 teas if 20 were “staples” and 30 were variable. Guess that means I could have 20 tins? :O

That danish one sounds great. I’m happy I bought the s’mores genmaicha, but I hesitated on the danish one. (Not a big deal though b/c I didn’t really want to buy more from there – 52teas can get expensive!)


It adds up way too quickly. Another reason to hoard, savor, and not get more teas until I’m down to 50! (if I keep saying this enough times I may stick with my commitment)

Also, as always, if you ever see something you sorta want to try that I have ample amounts of I will send you more than you ever wanted in a heartbeat (I can restrain myself here if need be though). :P


50?! I don’t think I’ll ever be that low. I crave variety, and I don’t think that would be enough for me. That said, I can see myself having decent amounts (25g+) of about 50-100… plus many sample sizes from swaps, etc.


I don’t have room for that much tea, so it keeps me from too much hoarding, and I end up getting smaller amounts of teas and refilling them. Some I consistently refill in a season, some I refill all year if I can.

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658 tasting notes

This tea stayed loyally by my side last night while I was trying to write. I like drinking it while working as I can do multiple infusions, and getting up to heat more water and re-steep gives me excuses for little breaks!

I still didn’t make it past three infusions because that just got to be a lot of tea and not enough time. But it wasn’t slowing down at all by the third infusion. This tea is seriously awesome. Its smell blows me away with a crazy kind of heavily buttered spinach fragrance which is way better than it sounds. The liquor is mild, buttery, creamy, delicious. One of these days I am going to designate a whole day to seeing how many infusions I can get.


This is absolutely my study/tea mission for the weekend! I’ve been waiting for the perfect opportunity to spend the day re-steeping – I’ve never made it past three infusions either before it was bedtime…Amazing tea!


I’m always over-ambitious in my estimation of how many cups of tea I can drink in an evening. I feel unstoppable but eventually my bladder protests! I’ve got lots more studying this weekend, too, so I’ll try for an earlier start.


Hahah same here! Starting early is the key, I guess. Good luck on steeping and studying!


I love this tea! i think I got to five infusions before it started to slow down.


I have a quiet day ahead of me, so maybe I’ll pull this out again and try for five infusions!


I was only able to get to five good infusions. For the last infusion I left the steeper in for too long, so I suspect that I could probably do one more good steep.

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1598 tasting notes

Oh, this is great. I need great teas today. I feel like the rug has been pulled out from beneath me, and part of that is the baby waking up at 4 and not really going back to sleep, and the other part is finding out my favourite coworker was fired today and I didn’t get to say goodbye.

I’m using social media to contact her and trying to arrange a goodbye lunch or something as a lot of people really like her and will miss her.

It’s hard to think though.

This tea though… this tea is smooth and creamy and rich and it’s not like drinking warm butter because that would be gross, but instead it’s just luxurious and comforting.

And I’m out of this, but I won’t add to my shopping list because I have a feeling this milk oolong is like other milk oolongs and I can get cheaper elsewhere.


Oh, that really sucks. I hope everything goes well for her.


Thanks. I think it will – they gave her a decent severance package (they said) as well options to go for re-training etc so maybe it’s ok? I know she wasn’t happy here, and butted head with the new manager – who just got promoted from acting office manager to actual office manager TODAY – hence the firing.


I know I’ve worked in a law firm too long, but if she has been there a decent period of time they would have to have a really good argument for letting her go. If she feels things weren’t handled appropriately, I would recommend she get a consultation with an employment lawyer to make sure she isn’t pushed around. Apologies if that isn’t the case, and I wish her luck either way! I hope you can make other work friends. :)


Thanks for the advice! If I get a chance to have lunch with her and she brings it up, I’ll pass that on! She had at least 5+ years there, and the biggest problem is just a personality isuse between her and the new boss. With the old one (who left 3 months ago), everything was smooth.


Wow. Yeah, I was ‘laid off’ from a job because the management and I did not get along, and I was actively looking for other employment. I had been there 11 months but got, I think, 5 weeks severance plus my vacation. :)

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652 tasting notes

1 TB for 450mL water, bare.

My first milk oolong, this.

The scent drove me wild. Wow. Creme brulee, condensed milk, toasty cream — oh, my. Like the silky fur of healthy short-haired cat: more, more!

First infusion (4 minutes) is more vegetal than milky, but that haunting lactose is still there. Each sip is different, with nuances of leaf, butter, faint flowers, and sweet milk. I’ve read other Steepsterites’ notes that the 2nd infuson of this one is best. I look forward to it while meantime blissing out on the first infusion.

This oolong is a totally new experience for me. And hey, it just helped keep me from freaking out about my kids spilling red soda on beige carpet.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Michelle Butler Hallett

2nd infusion, 5 minutes: much less leaf, more floral toasty cream. I’d like to try this one with many short infusions, make a day of it. Delicious oolong. My absoloute favourite oolong.


Yep, this is my favourite to settle in and spend a lazy day with.

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359 tasting notes

This tea is simply a marvel of refinement and sophistication. First infusion and I am captivated by its rich aroma and its multiple flavors which interlace. Some milk, yes, subtly creamy and sweet. Comparatively to Teavivre’s milk oolong which I also greatly appreciated, I detect no floral note so far.  It might come through in the next several infusions I’m about to have today… I know that the milk aroma is natural in Teavivre. I wonder if it’s the same for this one, does anybody know if the milk is manualy added?  If it’s all natural goodness, then this tea is a miracle to be so naturally creamy!!

Now, the body: so dense and silky, it is a creme caramel transformed into beverage! Adding anything to it would be a crime, to all the milk and sugar addicts (Seinfeld quote: not that there’s anything wrong with that! ) please have this one “au naturel” first, then decide if you need to pimp your tea :o)

I’m now having my second steep, the leaves have almost fully unfolded, and the taste is just as wonderful and milky as the first infusion, and I can now detect the orchid slowly emerging.

This is a favourite of mine, definitely!

Sandra Brassard

I agree 200% with you comment… My all time favorite tea. What a pleasure! AMZING!


What temp and how long to you steep yours? PLZ


À SANDRA : oui, il est merveilleux, un peu dispendieux, mais j’en tire 5 infusions, alors on peut dire que c’est un bon rendement!
To BONNIE: I use a bit more tea and temperature lower than recommended, that’s how I seem to get more sweetness out of it, around 85C, (185F) for 4 min. the first 2 infusions, then I bring temperature up to about 95C, 5 min. I get a total of 5 delicious steeps!


Gracias! (so ok I lived in California!)

Daisy Chubb

great review! Now I have to go drink some!!

Charles Thomas Draper

I have to try a milk oolong after reading this….


I know!!! I love when a review makes me want to have that tea right here and now! The more when it’s already in my cupboard! Don’t you guys love when a tea stirs up so much emotions?

Charles Thomas Draper

The brilliance of Steepster….

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6768 tasting notes

Special Thanks to The Purrfect Cup for this one!
It’s a more delicate Milky Oolong that I have been sipping on as of late. It’s quite inviting. It’s more sweet than sour as compared to some of the other Milky Oolongs. It’s a bit juicy, too. Pretty Good indeed!

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218 tasting notes

We hade my parents in law over for lunch and made them this pie ( but with sweet potato not chicken as the mother inlaw is veggie, and these amazing fudge bites – I made a pot of this oolong to go with the fudge bites. Not only were they a perfect pair, but the consecutive steeps were a big hit with our guests. Beautiful as always, about to do brew 4.

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189 tasting notes

Appearance: large dark oolong kernel
Aroma when Dry: sweet, nutty, creamy
After water is first poured: sweet nutty creamy rice notes
At the end of first steep: sweet, creamy, nutty
Tea liquor:
At end of steep: clear
Staple? type Yes, would use brand again
Preferred time of day: afternoon, evening
At first?: Nutty, mineral notes, velvety sweet close
As it cools?: Notes of chestnut, pecan, and milkiness surface, joining the other notes, tea deepens and layers
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? No
Lingers? Yes, sticky rice and nutty notes, pine nut, hazelnut notes

Second Steep (4min):
At first: sweet, mineral notes, then nuttiness
As it cools: mineral notes linger much longer, nutty notes deepen

Third Steep (5min):
Nutty, thick mineral notes, velvety, creamy close

Fourth Steep (5min):
Creamy nutty notes blend, light velvety close

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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