Long Life Oolong

Tea type
Fruit Oolong Blend
Almonds, Apricot Pieces, Artificial Flavouring, Natural Flavours, Oolong Tea, Orange Peel, Peach, Safflower Petals
Almond, Fruity, Candy, Peach, Apricot, Orange, Apple, Passion Fruit, Astringent, Nuts, Orange Zest, Burnt, Fruit Punch, Nutty, Floral, Vegetal, Artificial, Autumn Leaf Pile, Creamy, Cantaloupe, Citrus Zest, Mineral, Sweet, Cream, Oats, Orchid, Pear
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 45 sec 5 g 12 oz / 353 ml

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217 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I got three steeps out of this today. The first one was perfection… fruitiness coming out in all the right places. The second was ok, not great but ok. And the third, well it was weak and had an...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’ve been keeping jugs of various teas in my fridge, now that summer has finally come along, though they’ve mostly been herbals and the like. I keep trying to get my wife to taste them, and she...” Read full tasting note
  • “I had this one a LONG time ago before I had joined steepster. This was one of the first teas that I ever tried. Anyway, having another go with this tea. It is just as good as I remembered. Peach...” Read full tasting note
  • “I have had two “Mini Betty’s” (a single serve brown teapot) of this today and there is last little bit left for when I get home. I wish there was a tea fairy that could deliver more to me! sigh...” Read full tasting note


What’s the secret to living a long and healthy life? Sleep, a balanced diet and a daily cup of this fruity oolong tea. Infused with a refreshing kick of ripe peaches, juicy apricots and crunchy almonds, this sweet and hydrating blend is also packed with metabolism-boosting properties. Delicious hot and iced, you’re gonna want to sip it all day, every day.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

217 Tasting Notes

1394 tasting notes

Oh yes. Anything I can smell summer in automatically has an advantage. I know that’s probably not right, but what can I say? I live for summer.
This is another I got from our “tea party” on Friday. I’m already excited for next Friday haha.

Yum, yum. I’m off to breakfast and I’ll finish this cup on the way. I’ll add more on the taste when I’m back!

4 min, 0 sec

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224 tasting notes

I’ve had this sitting on my counter for me to brew for at least a week but never seem to have time. Mostly because I wanted to try a second+ steeping on it and I can only do that on days I’m off. But today was the day.
It has a wonderful peachy smell and chunks of fruits and such mixed in. As usual, I was surprised how much the leaves uncurled while brewing, but it’s always fun to watch.
I managed to get two infusions out of this. The first was pretty good. Nice peach flavor, but I had to add a bit of sugar to bring it out more. I was kinda disappointed it didn’t have more ‘oomph’ in flavor with as much stuff as was mixed in. But it was pretty tasty regardless. Had almost a mildly spicy-esque back taste to it, might be the safflower petals (which were pretty) or possibly the orange? I’m not sure. More testing required! Lol.
To be honest, I don’t think the almonds were necessary here. I didn’t think they really added anything, in my opinion, but I could just be overlooking the taste there.

2nd infusion – Brewed same temp but for 1 min longer. Not bad and I drank the whole cup, but it just wasn’t as good flavor wise as the first cup. Definitely weaker tastes overall.

At the price I wish I coulda gotten more steepings out of it, but two isn’t too bad I guess. I’ll consider keeping this around unless I find something better. But I do wish it was a bit cheaper to be honest. Lol. Though I guess that could be said of alot of teas. XD

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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440 tasting notes

{backlogged review}

This is one tea I LOVE. Why it isn’t in my own cupboard I have no idea, I’ll blame temporary insanity and memory loss everytime I’m in the store. My mom, smart woman, does have this at home however, so anytime I’m visiting I end up stealing her leaves and devouring as much of this as I can drink. I’m a sucker for a good peach, and this is exactly that. The oolong adds to the delightfulness rather than overpowering it. Iced or hot, this is an amazing tea that always brings a smile to my face.

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83 tasting notes

Please me 3 times in the day. On a fresh winter morning warmth me up.
Hoo dear Long Life Oolong! How could I forget you?
Your sweet peachy flavors are like heaven in the mouth!

Continue this tradition of be one of the BEST DavidsTea ever!

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1040 tasting notes

I’m not sure how it is that I’ve not rated this before. I bought more of this today, I guess that means I really like it.
It’s a nice gentle (yes gentle is the word I want) tea. It’s just soft, not in your face, not grassy (like some oolongs), subtle without being bland, fruity (in a mild peachy sort of way). I don’t really taste the almonds, but that doesn’t bother me.
Normally I’m all about big, bold flavors, but there are times when I just want something mild, soft, gentle. I think I feel about this tea how others feel about whites. This is the white of my world, and it makes me happy.

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15 tasting notes

Not a fan, it smells like peach cigars and tastes a little like it too. I was excited to try a peach tea, i wont let this tea dystroy my future od trying diffrent peach teas. But not this one. I also would like to try diffrent oolong’s. overall thus tea is pretty gross, i have a little sample left but its going in the garbage unless anyone would like to try drinking a peach cigar.



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79 tasting notes

I still think they need to change the name to Life Long Oolong, but eh that’s just me! This however is by far my current favorite Oolong to drink it just tastes great, will certainly keep tons on hand.

Dry this tea has a pleasant peach and apricot smell that is honestly fantastic, it is also a tin full of colors with all the fruit pieces, the tea leaves and safflower pieces, all topped off with pieces of white almonds. Steeping the tea will release a pleasant peach aroma throughout the room.

The final brew is golden yellow in color and peachy in aroma. It has a smooth creamy taste accompanied by a nice peach flavor, followed up with a sweet after taste. Only downside is this tea is only good for one infusion, I tried a second infusion on a cup last night and it was certainly not as nice to drink.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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15 tasting notes

It was a swap from queenoftarts. Thanks for the generous portion! I love good oolong tea thus namegot me ccurious. When I brewed it (just using teapot, not using gaiwan) not the typical way I brew oolong since looking at the tea leaf it seemed there are more other stuffs rather than oolong itself. Also it seemed pretty red – so it got me confused a bit. However when I brewed it it smellef nice. Very mild taste and somewhat fruity scent.

Final verdict: I liked it. It is not for people who wants to try classic oolong but work for people who wants some twist- or simply beginner for oolong tea.


following you :)

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10 tasting notes

So my good, tea-loving, work friend saw that I was having a bad day and immediately handed me a bag of this Long Life Oolong, which I have now secretly renamed: Lifeline Oolong.

I’m really new to talking about tea. I am certainly trying to learn all the fancy terms and understand what (in my opinion) makes a good tea and how to describe what I am tasting, etcertera.

But until then, I will say this about Long Life Oolong: it’s fruity and green tasting and it picked me up when I was feeling blue. It is a cheery tea, which I was skeptical about drinking on a coldish December day, but it really did remind me a bit of summer and that’s what drinking tea is about for me. An escape.

So I recommend this as a depression rescue tea and will definitely drink it again when I need rescuing.


4 min, 0 sec

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37 tasting notes

I went to one of the biggest DT in my city today(Toronto) and I REALLY wanted to get Southern Belle iced… nope out of stalk and apparently discontinued-tears. They may still have some left at my local DT, I think I saw it the other day… ANYWAYS, this tea is second in line for my “iced” list, if you know what I mean. I find it funny how the worker suggested this one to me- honey, i know what i want (:- and the workers at my local DT know that well (They say Im their #1 customer). So yes… peach! Oh did I ever taste the peach! Very fruity and nice,sort of rememded my of Happy Kombucha. I do wish to try this one hot though, it feels like I wont get the real “tea experience” if I dont have it hot right? But I will most likely re-purchase this tea, maybe in a blue oolong tin? I would most definately drink this peach on the beach (;

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