Caramel Vanilla Assam

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Caramel, Honey, Malt, Smooth, Sweet, Vanilla, Creamy, Cream, Butter, Cocoa, Raisins, Bread, Cherry, Toffee, Earth, Nuts, Wood, Astringent
Sold in
Not available
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kittenna
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 5 g 11 oz / 324 ml

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279 Tasting Notes View all

  • “So last week I placed a Butiki order. Then I saw TastyBrew’s review of this tea & there was a conversation somewhere in the discussion boards about it too, & it was like: I must have this!...” Read full tasting note
  • “It’s so annoying when your mind is in the mood for tea, but your body simply isn’t. I woke up this morning and groggily stumbled into the kitchen, but no tea in particular was calling to me. Last...” Read full tasting note
  • “My Butiki order should be in on Wednesday, so I’m drinking this down today. Now I’ve only got one Butiki tea in my cupboard! :O I’m drinking this, looking at job ads, and watching Supernatural!...” Read full tasting note
  • “You know when you’re sure there’s a sip down and then evethough you drink giant mugs of tea, there just isn’t enough to actually sip down? So now I have enough left for a single “normal” cup of...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Caramel Vanilla Assam pairs our Premium Taiwanese Assam with rich caramel and soft vanilla. The caramel and vanilla notes meld with the tea and almost taste as though they are naturally part of the Assam. Cacao, raisin, and citrus notes can also be detected in this smooth and malty tea. Add a little sugar for a decadent caramel vanilla dessert.

Ingredients: Premium Taiwanese Assam, Organic Calendula, Organic Lotus Stamens, Organic Pure Ground Vanilla Beans (no fillers), Organic Natural Flavoring (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 3 minutes
Recommended Amount: 2 teaspoons of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 212 F (boiling)

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279 Tasting Notes

1353 tasting notes

Someone on Steepster once described the spontaneous purchase of tea one doesn’t actually really need as a Bad Dog! moment. I can’t remember who it was. Was it you? Anyway, I had one the other day, stopping in at Fru P on the way home from work and making off with the last one of her tea sample Christmas calendars. She had been uncertain about whether or not it was a good idea and whether people would buy them, but they’re all sold out now. 24 samples in a basket which will be useful for other things afterwards. Has a good size for a bread basket, actually. Bad dog! :p

Here’s another one I received from Scheherazade. This one was one I had asked for and I’ve been looking forward to it, I think for obvious reasons.

I have noticed that the sweetness of vanilla frequently works very well on an Assam base. Some of my favourite vanilla teas have been Assam based (although I don’t believe the Perfect Vanilla is. Don’t know what that is, but I don’t think it’s Assam), and I don’t really see any reason why the same should not be the case with caramel. Both are sweet flavours. On top of that, I know from experience that these two flavours also go very well together, but for some reason it’s not really a combination I see very often. If it happens, it’s usually along with something else. A fruit or berry or some kind, but very very rarely on their own like this. If you want this combination, it seems you generally have to mix vanilla and caramel flavoured teas together yourself and hope that the bases of the two and the balance of flavouring in them match each other. I find this is more difficult than one would think. Often one tends to overpower the other.

But anyway! Here is a rare beast of a caramel and vanilla flavoured tea with nothing else in it. And on a promising base to boot.

Awwwww! We interrupt this post by telling you that Luna the Lap-Cat just came running through the kitchen, meowing like crazy, before jumping onto my lap where she’s now purring and impeding both typing and tea-tasting. Don’t know how I’m supposed to drink from my very full mug (I did a me) now without risking spilling on her… That’s how we know it’s getting colder; Luna seeking to spend as much time as possible in a warm lap. We now return you to your scheduled tea post.

The leaves in the little bag smells awesomely sweet of both vanilla and caramel. I can’t really tell about the base there, but they are very large leaves and a bit difficult to measure out. I have enough for two small pots, so there’s half of it left now. I did consider having it with Husband the other day instead of Jewelled Apple, but then realised that would take the whole sample and I selfishly decided it was probably too good for him anyway. After all, half the time the man just gulps his tea down and when you ask him what he thought of it he hasn’t got a clue. This generally means he liked it, because he usually notices when he doesn’t like it. He can drink a whole mug of hot tea, before mine has even cooled off to a sippable temperature.

After steeping, I try to put my nose closer to the mug without disturbing the cat. Probably looks like I’m attempting to do a tortoise impression. It rather reminds me of that toffee flavoured blend I had from LPdT, although that one had cocoa and not caramel. That one was awesome!

Now, if I can get my lips down to the mug, I can probably have a sip. Let me see…

Gosh! What a silly way to drink tea! It doesn’t exactly make it any easier when you are perfectly aware of how silly it is and start giggling. The things I put myself through to avoid spilling hot liquid on a kitty! Few more sips like this and it should be safe to lift the cup, though.

If the base didn’t come out in the aroma at all, it certainly does now. It has that sort of card-y note to it. This is a really peculiar sort of note. Auggy will understand what I mean perfectly, but try to imagine the taste of cardboard if cardboard tasted good. I know what you’re thinking now, but bear with me. When I first saw this note described this way I made this face O.o but the next time I had a cup of Assam, I know exactly what was meant by it. I’ve only ever really encountered it in Assams that I can remember, and not in all of them. The base also has a good deal of raisin-y notes to it, which is also something I tend to associate largely with Assams. I understand Darjeeling is supposed to have these grape-y, raisin-y, wine-y notes as well, but I’ve never really fully grasped that. It’s too difficult for me to get past all the grass to really notice them.

Anyway! The base shines through the flavouring quite clearly here. This is another one of those blends where the flavouring is somewhat subtle, but not something you have to sit there and search for, or, if you like that sort of thing, coax out with various additives. It hits that balance between base and flavouring that I like. In this case I was even able to pick up some characteristics of the base. A tea can totally have this balance without this being possible, strange as it sounds. I suppose it depends on what sort of base was used.

To me, this feels more caramel than vanilla, but I can tell the vanilla must be in there. Mostly because I know it is, granted, but I think caramel on its own when everything really clicks is a darker flavour than this cup is.

I know exactly what my Perfect Vanilla should taste like, and I’ve actually even managed to find it, and I know more or less what the Perfect Caramel should be like, but the Perfect Vanilla and Caramel? I’m not sure, actually. This cup has the balance that I like, but I’m not sure it’s perfect for me. I think I would like the flavours to be richer without being too much stronger, and I’m not even certain if this is at all possible. It doesn’t even make fully sense to me, having a bit of a ‘measuring elastic by the meter’ feel to it. It’s entirely possible that this balance that I’m so attracted to isn’t actually right for me at all with a combination like this. Much to my surprise, my Perfect Vanilla doesn’t really have that balance. It’s way too flavoured for that.

Overall, this is a very good cup indeed, and if I were to be offered more of it I would absolutely take advantage, yet I find myself a little ambivalent about it as well.

I think perhaps I’ve reached the point where I’ve started to over-think things a little.


I just wanted you to know that I know exactly what you mean about “it tastes like cardboard if cardboard were to taste good” because I feel the exact same way about David’s Tea’s Glitter and Gold (it tastes like actual glitter if eating real glitter tasted good). And it’s so true! so round of applause from me!


I love that description. Now I’m going to be looking at all my Assam teas with suspicion as I sip them. :) And Assams are pretty much my favourites!


Hahaha, my husband is the same way!

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303 tasting notes

This is one I really wanted to love a lot – it sounds like it’s made for me, and it smells like it’s made for me. There is no end to how luscious this tea smells in the bag. It’s not quite up there with Lupicia’s Cookie or Mariage Frères Mariage Impérial, but it’s seriously good, nonetheless. There’s caramel, vanilla and the lush, malty tea base.

It brews up rich and dark – most of the depth of the scent of the dry leaf is lost in the steep for me. Flavour wise, I do get most of the notes from the bag, but it’s just so subtle. If I’d tried this before any Mariage Frères or Lupicia teas with similar flavourings, such as the two mentioned above, I would have been completely sold. At this stage of my tea safari, though, there’s just no need for a tea this delicate.

This is beautifully put together, the base tea is silky smooth, and it’s definitely high up on the list of the Butiki must-tries. That much said, there’s no room for it in my permanent collection.

[From my Butiki order to Santa Clara, October 2013.]

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I so hear you. I really wanted to love this one too but it’s not just doing it for me.


Thank you for your support during this difficult time.


It truly is. I nearly cried real tears.


complicated after Wedding Impérial…sure I understand even if I liked this one too, but WI remains my “chouchou”


Fjellrev: There’s a reason they’re called tea-rs, after all.

Ysaurella: Aww, right, WI is your special friend, I forgot about that. <3


Hmmm… this is the one I’m waiting for Butiki to restock because I really want to try it.


WI is amazing. That is all.

Dag Wedin

What is WI? :)

Tea Pet

WI is Wedding Impérial :)

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761 tasting notes

Mixed the last of this with the last of Cinnamon Swirl Bread from sTEApe as I had too little of each for a full cup/mug, but together it was enough.

I kinda lost the individual flavours of each, but do not be deceived that it wasn’t tasty, because these two teas are very tasty indeed.

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652 tasting notes

I just got this in the mail today. So excited.

I haven’t tried it yet but the smell is telling me it might be the Caramel Black tea of my dreams. I have to wait until tomorrow but it’s going to be breakfast, and it’s going to be good. I can tell!!

Just, yay!!


Well, it’s as good as I thought it would be. Probably can halt the annoying hunt for my perfect caramel black tea, I think this is it!! I think I can taste the Assam base, which is nice. The flavouring seems to compliment it rather than cover it up.

It’s creamy caramel, made even creamier thanks to the vanilla. The best part is that it’s not the burnt toffee tasting sort of caramel! It’s milky and sweet but not in a fake way. I really really like this. It’s as good as it smells. I will reorder later for sure!!!


woot! it IS pretty darn delicious


I really need to order some of this! It sounds so tasty!

Terri HarpLady

Yay!! Another believer!!
I love the Assam base of the tea! It keeps it from being yet another wimpy vanilla.


Terri – remind me to send you…wait i think you’re getting some. Well i was going to say remind me to send you a sample of 2 friends…but i’m pretty sure you bought some


Welcome to the club :-)


Oh it’s so good. Another Butiki must-have!!

Terri HarpLady

Sil – I bought some! I’ve already actually drank it a few times, just haven’t written anything yet because:
1. There isn’t a ‘Two Friends’ entry, & I’m too lazy to make one, since I’m not sure if it’s an ‘official’ tea
2. I’m lazy…I mean busy…


Yay, another awesome review of this one! I’m currently in the TO airport, anxiously awaiting my arrival in Saskatoon and therefore my first taste of this tea (and others from Butiki). I mean…. anxiously awaiting seeing my family…. yes….

Sil’s lovely. :)

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2238 tasting notes

More of this today. I’ve been offered a new job, so I’m feeling optimistic, and bouncy and happy. It’s only for two years, and I have to give up a permanent job to take it, but hopefully it’ll all work out for the best. It’s a chance I’m willing to take to get off reception, anyway :)

So, yes. Two cups of this today. The first when I arrived at work, cold and irritable after a difficult journey. The second after my appraisal training, and after telling my current manager I’m leaving after 4 months in the job they originally employed me to do (+ two on a temporary promotion). I drank the second with soya milk, which I found in the shop on my way in. I think I like it with this addition. It seems somehow creamier, and the vanilla becomes more prominet. Whatever, really. I just really like this tea!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Butiki Teas

Congrats! :)

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709 tasting notes

This is one I picked up a few months ago and am finally getting to. I decided not to open all my teas at once but instead to focus on a couple at a time. I have done some Butiki sipdowns recently so I get to open some of the remainder. I was very interested in this as I frequently think I want a good vanilla tea but they often come off coconut-y rather than caramel-y. I hate coconut, so that’s a BAD thing. I figured with caramel right in the title, this couldn’t end up with a coconut note.

Unfortunately, the smell of this one comes off as more coconut than caramel to me. It also smells like it might be bitter, which seems unlikely given my steeping parameters (perhaps 3 minutes, less than boiling water). I am not much of an assam drinker though so it could just be the bold assam making itself known aromatically. Let’s hope. It certainly smells strong with a sweet note underneath it all that has me hopeful.

Luckily, this tastes a lot more gentle (but still full and smooth) than it smells. I don’t get any coconut vanilla taste and there isn’t any bitterness from the assam. Instead I get a full bodied black tea with some caramel notes throughout. No sweetness, but no bitterness either. The tea is present but not dominating. Yet, at least!

The aroma is such a strong factor here that I enjoy it best when the cup isn’t too close (I really do find the smell so strong it is almost off-putting) but it is definitely drinkable. I think that it might be improved by a bit of sugar, I might try that sometime if I remember.

For me, this one is good but not a knockout. The disconnect between what I smell and what I taste makes for a weird drinking experience, even though it is tasty in the end. Not the best tea for me, but definitely good quality!

EDIT: Wow, I am the only one who wasn’t totally blown away by this one. I feel left out. Maybe next time!


Okay, this is one that definitely improves as it cools. About 40 minutes after pouring it I feel like I am drinking warm liquid caramel in tea. The assam has totally taken the backseat to the caramel and vanilla. Now to remember to let this cool a bit before drinking. I would edit this into the note but I can’t seem to edit at the moment, instead I have to copy/paste into a new one and delete the old. Too much work!


overleafing helps a bit too with the taste :)

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390 tasting notes

a beautiful blend to behold in the bag, but as i pulled it out on the spoon the hugely long assam fingers would fall off. and once i finally got the pieces into my tea ball i realized there was zero chance i was going to get the lid on… i also didn’t have nearly enough of the blend into the ball. what’s a boy to do? in short commit butiki sacrilege in the form of crunching the bag.

in my tea mad brain i got a lecture from bonnie as i crunched, approval of my critical thinking skills from scribbles, and a moderate wince from stacy when/if she reads this.

the potential for this tea to have been lacking or imbalanced in any number of ways was huge, especially on the part of the assam base. this creation makes me wonder if butiki teas architects are required to have studied gestalt art theory briefly summarized as ‘perception as the product of complex interactions among various stimuli’ and that a whole is worth more than its separate parts. lol.

this tea is a very successfully blended whole—less a caramel vanilla assam to me, and more a spun vanilla sugar highlight laid over a delightfully smooth black.

having been at art school for a very long time i tend to equate the world around me with complimentary senses: so a smell may trigger an image, and a taste may draw out a sound. for me this tea is imagery.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=JG7KUbn-AeSKjAKtsoG4AQ#facrc=&imgdii=&

which translates to: skill, diligence and if you weren’t careful as you built it then it all comes tumbling down and leaves you with nothing more than a puddle of goo that you spend the next year trying to scrape off your floor!

very nice! i think in my next cup i may use a bit of brown sugar to draw out just a little bit more of the spun sugar taste, although that will have to be tomorrow as it is already 10pm and i do need sleep!

UPDATE: okay, brown sugar maximizes this tea. my mouth is very happy!

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 15 sec
Butiki Teas

I did wince a tiny bit. Hahaha. Oooh, that spun sugar looks very challenging.


your blend must have been very challenging! i am sorry for my crunching… but my tea ball is a vicious taskmaster regarding what will and will not fit! if it helps i did not (would not) pulverize… just snapper the larger lovelies in half.


As soon as you can ditch the tea ball…do it. The leaves are not happy in such contraptions. A stainless basket where water can flow around the expanding leaves is best or for a by-the-cup portion a finum infuser.


I’ve been known to use a pyrex measuring cup (since it has a spout) and a somewhat fine kitchen strainer in a pinch. :)


@Bonnie…. yeah, i was going to look for a basketed cup today. just have to watch the budget!


okay… i got a proper mug. with a basket strainer. yay stokes! they’re always reasonable and everything in the store was 25% off!!!




You’ll be soooo much happier! I started my loose leaf tea adventures with a tea ball and quickly discovered that the teas didn’t taste very good if the leaves couldn’t fully expand. A brewing basket makes a world of difference!


it gives me an excuse to go back and reassess, lol. i am discovering that the taste is more sincere.

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33 tasting notes

Yes, please!

I am so glad I decided to go home a make some tea due to having a couple free hours from work.
This one is so yummy!
The soft vanilla and caramel go so amazing well with the malty assam. The vanilla and caramel are very delicate and natural tasting.
I am definately becoming a Butiki addict with all these wonderful selections.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Omg. I know. I’ve been delaying placing an order but I know it’s inevitable. I have the cart and everything, I just need to check out. Must be disciplined and wait for payday. It’s the only way I can keep my impulse under control. Stick to budget, stick to plan!


nxtdoor…oh man stacy’s teas are to die for! sooooo goood!


Nxtdoor :)
Payday will come before you know it!


I think becoming a Butiki addict is inevitable for anyone who tries it!

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408 tasting notes

I am crazy…it is almost midnight here and I am having an assam tea !
But I cannot resist ! I received this tea sample thanks to Nicole and I wanted to try it right now.

It’s a strong tea but smooth as well. It becomes really lighter on the aftertaste. Regarding the flavours and the tea base it makes me think to Wedding Impérial from Mariage Frères but without chocolate.
The tea base is an Assam as well BUT they are different the MF blend is really stronger, capricious on steeping – don’t forget it 15 seconds too long otherwise it’s bitter.
This Assam seems really much cooperative but I kept a low steeping time, by security :)
It is smoother and very very very much creamy.

Wedding Impérial is one of my staple teas, I think I will alternate with this one when I would like something lighter and creamier.

I really enjoyed it, bravo Stacy and thank you so much Nicole

Boiling 2 min, 45 sec

I’m glad you liked it!!


I was pretty sure I would like it and I really do, yes :)


I only had a sample of this and it was really good, despite the fact that I completely forgot about it and steeped for 10 min! That’s the beauty of this base, Taiwanese Assam is very forgiving!

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1501 tasting notes

A sipdown, only because I’ve packed up the rest of what I had for a fellow Steepsterite that LOVES this. I can always order more!

I did however want to try it, because gosh darn it, I should try a tea before sending some out, right? Was a in a bit of a rush making this, and I did have to overleaf ever so slightly (2 1/4 tsp) just because there was a tiny bit left over. This smelled really strong as I brewed it, and I was a touch concerned. I added sweetener before tasting it – I could just tell this was going to be strong. And, while lovely (I definitely got the caramel and vanilla out of it) the base was too strong for me, and it ended up drowning out everything else. I ended up dumping about half of the cup, because as it cooled, the base only got stronger. :(

Flavors: Caramel, Vanilla, Wood

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

i love this tea….. happy sigh.

hen did steepster change over? where have i been?


It changed over earlier today, you’re okay. :) When you do your first tasting note you’ll see a link to a message from the Steepster team about it. As for this tea, well who do you think I packed it up for? ;)


The Irish Cream Cheesecake does the same thing and gets stronger and a little bitter as it cools. Best drunk hot!


spoilererer. =0X

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