Playing around with my steep times to see if I can find a happy medium between flavor and the caffeine jitters. I meant to steep this for 2 minutes: 30 seconds, but I got distracted by my cat (who requires that someone sit and watch her while she eats) so it was probably more like 2 minutes: 45 seconds. A bit too much for me, I think. It had a nice caramelly flavor but I didn’t feel so great about halfway through. Will try again!
Flavors: Caramel
I asked a rescue owner about it once and she told me that cats will often do this when they live on their own so that one can watch for predators while the other eats. I guess either mine really trusts me or she really doesn’t trust our other cats. XD Tell your dad he has my sympathy! It really is sweet, but when she wants to eat at 5am I’m not always feeling so charitable.
@gmathis – Oh I definitely add milk to this one. I don’t know if I could drink it without!
I have a street rescue and she’s the only animal in my home, and she does the same thing… she wants me nearby when she eats. On weekends when I’m upstairs on the computer she will cry incessantly for me to simply walk downstairs where her food bowl is so she can use it. When I first got her she was terrible at waking me at night over it. I’d “play dead” and figured it would go away, but the only thing that actually worked was moving the food dish downstairs to upstairs on the landing outside my bedroom. She’ll let me sleep as long as I’m “nearby” the food. Weirdo.
I had to do this too! We had the food in the kitchen, but a couple month ago I moved it into the bedroom because she kept waking me up. She still wakes me up but now all I have to do is point at the dish and she’ll jump down to eat.
This whole conversation is so validating! My cat would do this too, he needed an audience, and when he was sick/as he got older it got worse so that predators explanation tracks! We got him from the shelter when he was still itty bitty but he and his siblings were found in a box on the side of the highway and no one knows what happened to him before that.
It’s so sweet how they can still learn to trust. Especially when it seems like cats so often start off in such difficult places. Mine, the one who does this, we found as a kitten under a pile of sheetrock at a construction site. She’d made herself a little nest in there. She was immediately friendly and chatty, like she knew we were her ticket out of there. She’s been my little shadow ever since. <3
Aww my dad’s cat is the same! Very sweet, if inconvenient.
Milk helps smooth everything out.
I asked a rescue owner about it once and she told me that cats will often do this when they live on their own so that one can watch for predators while the other eats. I guess either mine really trusts me or she really doesn’t trust our other cats. XD Tell your dad he has my sympathy! It really is sweet, but when she wants to eat at 5am I’m not always feeling so charitable.
@gmathis – Oh I definitely add milk to this one. I don’t know if I could drink it without!
I have a street rescue and she’s the only animal in my home, and she does the same thing… she wants me nearby when she eats. On weekends when I’m upstairs on the computer she will cry incessantly for me to simply walk downstairs where her food bowl is so she can use it. When I first got her she was terrible at waking me at night over it. I’d “play dead” and figured it would go away, but the only thing that actually worked was moving the food dish downstairs to upstairs on the landing outside my bedroom. She’ll let me sleep as long as I’m “nearby” the food. Weirdo.
I had to do this too! We had the food in the kitchen, but a couple month ago I moved it into the bedroom because she kept waking me up. She still wakes me up but now all I have to do is point at the dish and she’ll jump down to eat.
This whole conversation is so validating! My cat would do this too, he needed an audience, and when he was sick/as he got older it got worse so that predators explanation tracks! We got him from the shelter when he was still itty bitty but he and his siblings were found in a box on the side of the highway and no one knows what happened to him before that.
It’s so sweet how they can still learn to trust. Especially when it seems like cats so often start off in such difficult places. Mine, the one who does this, we found as a kitten under a pile of sheetrock at a construction site. She’d made herself a little nest in there. She was immediately friendly and chatty, like she knew we were her ticket out of there. She’s been my little shadow ever since. <3
Aww that’s so sweet! I love kitty origin stories.