New Tasting Notes
Lime has always been one of my favorite flavors in everything from juice to candy, but I still don’t think I’ve ever encountered a retail product quite so !! as this. It’s almost overpowering when brewed hot, so I can see why people who aren’t as enamored of the flavor are turned off, but I have a feeling this would make absolutely divine iced tea.
This tea has an very convincing peach flavor. In fact, I know real peach juice is used in making it. The tea itself brews to a pale peachy color, and tastes almost like you’re drinking juice instead of tea. There is no bitterness whatsoever. I love it. It’s a shame there’s no caffeine in it, although.
This tea tastes just like Froot Loops to me! Especially if you steep it for 4 minutes or more. It brews up yellowy green and smells like lemons. Really refreshing. I can’t wait to try it cold. I’ll probably be ordering more. However, I think you should go with two teaspoons instead of one per cup.
Infused in my gaiwan and drank in the bright mid-morning sunlight (only a couple of days of sun before the rain returns – ah, spring in the Pacific Northwest) and sipped the sweetness. I’m so glad I learned to brew this correctly — my first half-dozen tries were wayyyyy to astringent (hint, avoid boiling water, long infusions, or too much leaf).
I usually don’t drink flavored tea but this one sparked my curiosity. It’s pretty good but I couldn’t see drinking this everyday. Tangy cherry flavor comes through mostly with the sencha flavor lying underneath. I think it has added flavorings other than the Sakura. I only steeped this twice as I got tired of the flavor fast. Definitely worth a try.