Popular Tasting Notes


Quite nice. Strong but with a nice soft taste to it from the lavender. Reminds me a bit of Rushka from Mariage Freres (though I don’t think Rushka has lavender – or any floral, just citrus. But there you go).

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Definitely the ‘go to’ tea for afternoon teatime or after dinner r & r!
delicious rich pleasure in a cup to linger over…
sooo, grab that book you’ve been dreaming of reading and cozy into your fave chair ~

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drank Charlotte au Chocolat by Dammann Frères
15588 tasting notes

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drank Spearmint by Adagio Teas
42 tasting notes

It’s taken me a bit to get around to reviewing this tea. I’ve been really busy with work and haven’t had it on my mind much. I really enjoy this tea! The spearmint smell is strong just how I like! It doesn’t need much sugar to taste divine! It’s one of those teas that I can have several cups of. So I have to make sure to limit myself so I don’t run out quickly.

4 min, 0 sec

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drank Red Dragon by Adagio Custom Blends
336 tasting notes

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drank Ruschka by Mariage Frères
1 tasting notes

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drank Zen by Tazo
3 tasting notes

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Glad this was a free sample. Ugh! I like ginger in tea, but as I’ve mentioned before, I’m picky when it comes to mint. There were really no words for this. The ginger was very apparent, but with the mint and citrus, it wasn’t all that nice at all. I made it through without pouring any down the drain, but mostly because I was hoping it would settle my stomach. I won’t be seeking this out. Ever.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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This green tea is surprisingly sweet.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Bao Zhong by Rishi Tea
2 tasting notes

Pouchongs retain a top spot in my lineup, as their low oxidation yields delicate flavors, uncluttered with the metallic after-qualities that darker teas can bring. This is a lovely tea with distinctly floral qualities. Rishi cites orchid and lilac. I’ve never smelled scented orchids, but this falls in line with other so-called orchid oolongs. Other florals are hinted, sans the headiness of actual lilacs.

It’s flavor is well worth exploring if you lean towards nuttier, pan-fired Chinese greens (e.g. Dragonwell, Melon Seed) — as opposed to grassier, velvety Japanese varieties (Sencha, Gyokuro). It’s nutty, green qualities are muted and rounded out on the first one or two brewings. Subsequent brewings bring out more vegetative aspects and heighten the florals in my trials. It’s here that a bit of “iron” comes in.

This is my 7th day with this tea, and I’m still experimenting with different temps and times (and oolongs/pouchongs in general), so it’s hard to recommend specifics.

Flavors: Orchid

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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This is the last bit … Have to reorder.

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drank Pure White Tea by Twinings
6 tasting notes

pour hot but not boiling water (95°C) over the tea bag and brew for 1 minute -not more.

light, delicate and smooth flavor.

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drank Earl Grey Decaf by Tealish
570 tasting notes

Mmmm. Very mellow Earl flavour, not bitter or earthy at all. A very relaxing before-bed tea.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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This was my very first cup of loose leaf tea, and I initially thought it was perfectly delicious. I drank my first few steeping without sugar, steeped at 180F @ 2.5min. I have since tried some other greens and oolongs, and have come back to retry this delicious smelling tea. I must agree with some other reviews here, the pomegranate is very subtle, but is enhanced with a bit of sugar. I still think this is a very good, delicate cup of tea that tastes great after a big meal. Don’t come looking for a heavy fruit taste, and you will not be disappointed with this aromatic tea!

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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Love this tea….but I thought it was a GoldenMoon tea? Are these the same things?

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drank Pure Green Tea by Twinings
1120 tasting notes

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This is the best mango tea I’ve ever had. Fortnum and Mason does not skimp on the quality of the black tea, and they are very generous with the mango pieces. My parents very kindly brought this back to me from London, and I will definitely purchase more when I run out.

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drank Organic White Tea by Clipper
12 tasting notes

this is fast becoming my default morning tea.

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