Popular Tasting Notes
I was quite unsure about this tea as I’m not a big lover of raspberry. I find it’s usually very tarty and bitter.
HOWEVER! I made sure to only brew this tea for 4 minutes and found it had a lovely refreshing raspberry taste, not bitter at all. I added half a teaspoon of sugar, however it didn’t really need it as it’s already quite sweet. This tea would be lovely cold too!
Flavors: Raspberry
This was my 2nd ever loose leaf tea! Pretty tasty and WOW IT SMELLS SO FRICKIN GOOD. I haven’t had it in a while but I remember it being a lighter black tea, not too bitter, and the strawberry flavor was very sweet and prominent. Did I mention the smell was to die for.
At first smell, I didn’t like it at all. I didn’t think it would be a tea I would like. But since it was the first day in my advent calendar, I decided to give it a try. I was surprised that I actually didn’t mind it. It tastes sweet, cinnamony, and it has a bright red colour to it. It’s not a favourite, but it was okay.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Fruity, Nutty
Just finished a tea share and it was certainly a welcome and unique addition. I’ve never had purple wild, and it had a very interesting flavor profile. Leaf packets as expected – deep purple in about 1/3 of leaves. Aroma, even of the dry, is extremely pungent fruity. First steep was heavy sweet fruity – something like lychee/mangosteen and grassy. Medium mouthfeel. Aftertaste continued the trend with more lychee and less grass. Second steep was waning in flavor, and the third was very light.
Flavors: Grass, Lychee, Mineral
This is a very strong tea with complex flavors, which I suppose is appropriate considering the character. This was the first time I’d used aniseed and I’m happy with the results because it enhances the taste of the gunpowder green. The orange peels and rose hips bring out the zest of the earl grey and the chai brings the spice. Definitely not what I would deem a hero’s tea, but who needs heroes when you have Uncle Sassy Wolf?