Popular Tasting Notes
This tea has changed my life. I for years I drank Wyler’s Light Cool Raspberry. Being new to loose leaf tea I headed to a local tea shop. They sampled this tea and I fell in love. It is good cold brewed, hot and room temperature. When I cold brew it I use no sweetener however when it is hot I use In the raw Agave. Since I started drinking this tea I have not purchased any of the Wyler’s and feel great.
The Thanksgiving tea marathon continues. The next find in mom’s cabinet. I would normally never buy fruit tea blend, but it’s a holiday, so I might as well try something new.
Smells good. I do like fruit, and juice, and peach. So I should like this, yeah?
Of course it’s good. The peach flavor is nice and crisp and clean. And if that’s what you’re looking for, this is great. We can argue all day whether this is “tea” or not, but in the end, it’s just a good sipping peach flavored tea blend.
I would like the tea base to shine through a little more. But that’s me. I’m a stubborn tea snob. ;)
AH CRAP! This (3rd) infusion proves I love my dog more than I love tea. I forgot all about it playing w/ Madison so it steeped for 10 min. The liquor was a autumnal orange color and the flavor was strong and wonderful… but that makes me think that to be strong enough for a good 3rd infusion this SHOULD have been steeped to heck and bitter…
My first try of any of the tea’s in the new Sunshine collection! Delicious-ness all around. I’m really liking the flavour and even the colour. As it steeped it went from a very bright pink to a lovely shade of red. The orange/citrus flavour followed up by something sweet, I want to say Strawberry but I know that’s just not it. This is certainly giving me what I need to get through the rest of winter’s freezing temperatures. Here’s to hoping the rest of the collection is as tasty :)
Flavors: Citrus Fruits, Fruity, Sweet
We used to have this tea every week in my reading group and it was loved by everyone equally and promoted thoughtful conversation and good listening! Lovely plain, with honey, or sugar. Bright, fruit without being fake or false or artificial.
Got a cup of this after work last week while out with a friend. It smelled amazing in the tin and I was so excited to have a rich, vanilla tea.
This steeped up to a forgettable black tea — it was smooth and didn’t need any sweetener, but it didn’t wow me like I thought it would.